Global Prayer Targets

We Cannot Be Silent
An excerpt from Jane Speaks, a blog by Jane Hansen Hoyt - God is Not Confused
As I have watched the unfolding of gender confusion being taught in public schools, as a mother, a grandmother, and an apostolic leader of a global movement, I find myself deeply disturbed. It affects each of us and we must not remain silent. . . .
For as long as I have been President of Aglow, you have heard me say many times through the years from the beginning in Genesis 1, God created man in His image, both male and female. From man’s side, He made woman. In Genesis 1:28 He blessed them and told them both to be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth, and take dominion over it. Dominion was to be accomplished by male and female working together.
In the Garden, Satan, understanding women’s unique intended purpose, tried to gain the upper hand by turning her from the strength of her role. However, when God came in the cool of the evening, she exposed Satan as the deceiver, and he is still active as a deceiver today. Genesis 3:15 clearly explains why the hatred of women and the female gender is so sick, violent, and goes to the extreme levels it goes to in 2024. It began in the Garden and continues to this day.
As women and men who understand the ways of God and know our assignment in the earth, we must continue to expose Satan’s agenda and to crush his head through prayer and declaration. You and I are passionate advocates for this generation and generations to come. They are counting on us to breakthrough, tear down, and build up the significant, unique role of women in God’s plan for the nations of the world. We cannot be silent!

Hunger for More
An excerpt from a FaceBook post by Jane Hansen Hoyt. Follow Jane on Facebook
My father was a student of the Word. He was a powerful preacher, greatly anointed by the Holy Spirit. I can remember many times, at the end of a Sunday morning service, after listening to his message, I felt I couldn’t move from my seat. He delivered the Word with such a riveting effect. It created a hunger in my own heart to know God as he knew God. That hunger remains to this day. The desire for more…more revelation, more insight, more of the Holy Spirit, more of God, to overtake my life in increased ways. It never leaves me. It has only increased through the years. . . . I am so thankful for my heritage and for the hunger that was transmitted. It began with the preaching of a fiery, bold Irishman, who touched the life of my father in such a way that continues yet today. My prayer is for that kind of zeal in preaching to return to the church, and for that kind of fearless, bold description of “God’s Love,” and “God’s Hell” to overtake us, affecting and transmitting everyone in our path. COME HOLY SPIRIT!!