
Dorothy Danso, Aglow Ghana National President writes, “The year 2022 started well until the economic crisis raised its head and things started going downhill, but we never lost hope because we were reminded of Paul’s words that though we were hard pressed on every side, we were not crushed. We were perplexed, but not in despair!”

Earlier in 2023, Joh Paglan, a co-leader of the Generations Group in Yaounde, Cameroon, sent a report telling of God’s faithfulness as members of the group go to the highways and byways. John said, “Our outreach was very extensive and we shared the Gospel of Jesus with more than 5,000 souls. Nearly 2,200 gave their lives to Jesus!”

The Aglow Togo National Board organized a 3-day Retreat this past April after a very long time since meeting together physically due to the Covid lockdown in their nation.