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Faith and Confidence

#JaneHansenHoytToday - "So as we experience the changes that are taking place in the world, it is a time that the body of Christ needs to rise up in strength and in victory, declaring and speaking forth in the earth."- Jane Hansen Hoyt, Aglow President and CEO.

Red Sea Intercession

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In their exodus from Egypt, God's people once stood along the bank of a mighty river and waited for Him to carve out a path forward. And today, Israel is again in the midst of immense upheaval and their own modern-day Red Sea Intercession. Join Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt as she prays for the people of Israel and the world.

Always There

#JaneHansenHoytToday - From her book, "The View From Above," Jane shares a story about a woman who becomes blind and uses this story to illustrate how God watches over us, even when we we are unaware of His Presence. Jane encourages us to cast our anxieties on God, who cares for deeply for us, and to trust in His constant, comforting Presence. (1 Peter 5:7)

Day of Dependence

#JaneHansenHoytToday - On this Independence Day, Jane urges us to reflect on the ultimate freedom in Jesus and to depend on the Lord during challenging times. She calls for prayer for our nation, reminding us that America was founded to spread the gospel, and emphasizes the deeper meaning of freedom in Christ.

Assurance, Victory, Strength

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from Luke 10 and reminds us that though the enemy may darken the world with his deceptions, as believers we have boldness, purpose and faith to walk in assurance, victory and strength.

A Glorious Opportunity

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from Psalm 27 of salvation, light, and peace overcoming and transforming darkness and fear. You can rest in this victory He already has given you.

Lord, hide me in Your Tabernacle

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In times of trouble, our trust and faith in the Lord provide us with strength, protection, and comfort as we commune in His presence. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from Psalm 27 as she reminds us to lean into Him and wait on Him.

Solid, Steady and Immovable

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this video, Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us of our solid place in God: “ matter what comes, no matter what storms rage or winds blow or words are spoken, or just any number of things that can feel like it's coming against us, that we can remain solid and steady and immovable.” Just trust Him.

Change Your Narrative

#JaneHansenHoytToday - It can be easy to become discouraged by our own thoughts and worries, which can make our lives feel like sand shifting beneath our feet. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks from her book 'The View from Above' of how we can escape these traps by casting our worries onto God and become the whole, joyful selves that He sees in us.

What is Aglow?

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Since 1967 Aglow International has been a gathering place where women come together and share their unique needs and insights and the revelations that God has given them along the way. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt answers the question 'What is Aglow?'.

Coming Into Wholeness

#JaneHansenHoytToday - It's when we are under pressure that our true selves are revealed the most. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of how it's through having open hearts, vulnerability and trust in God that we are Coming into Wholeness.

Revival in the Midst of Trouble

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that there can be Revival in the Midst of Trouble.

A Seed From the Woman

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Beginning in the 1970's women have been awakened to their place in God's plan and empowered to carry out their divine purpose. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that, working alongside with men, women have a prophetic role in confronting and exposing the enemy and fulfilling God's plan for humanity.

Be Utterly Astounded

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's video Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt has a prayer for Israel and reads from Habakkuk 1:5 where she reminds us to watch what He does and Be Utterly Astounded.

The Strike

#JaneHansenHoytToday - It was the woman who first exposed the enemy. As a result, God put enmity between Satan and her seed.. The conflict that began in the garden continues to this day and the value of women has been undermined in society and in the church. In this video, Jane offers keys to counteract the strike that Satan has carried out against women for centuries.

The Fallen Condition

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Choosing human wisdom and perception over God's wisdom and guidance, as Adam and Eve discovered in the garden, leads to The Fallen Condition. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt, reads from chapter four "The Strike" from her book ‘Master Plan.’ Go to:

The Anointed Union

#JaneHansenHoytToday - As Aglow International President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from chapter three of her book ‘Master Plan,’ we see more clearly why today’s ‘gender dysphoria’ is an attack on the image of God. If the enemy can convince male and female that ‘God made a mistake,’ he can destroy the ‘Suitable Helper’ God created the woman to be for the man. Go to:

Help was on the way

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow International President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt, reads from chapter two "Understanding God's Original Design" from her book ‘Master Plan’. Read MasterPlan to find out the ‘help’ that God creates. Go to:


#JaneHansenHoytToday - The relationship between men and women, above all others, is the foundational place from which God will yet work to accomplish His ultimate intention. Listen, as Aglow International President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt, reads from her book ‘Master Plan'. Visit


#JaneHansenHoytToday - As we navigate through our lives, the boat can appear to be rocking in a tumultuous sea causing us to feel shaken. Aglow CEO and President Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us to keep our eyes on Jesus during times like these. When we do, He provides new opportunities to learn in a deeper way what trust really means. Trust in the Lord.

Challenged by the Goodness of God

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The following is an excerpt from session five “The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ” from GameChangers, a life-changing course available in print and online. Visit

Something Wonderful

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The following is an excerpt from session four “Reinventing Your Walk in the Fruit of the Spirit” from GameChangers, a life-changing course available in print and online. Visit

Stress is an Inside Job

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The following is an excerpt from session three “The Mind of Christ” from GameChangers, a life-changing course available in print and online. Visit for more information.

Your Identity Grows Strong by Overcoming

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The following is an excerpt from GameChangers, Visit for more information. Taught in 2013 by Graham Cooke to a select group of Aglow leaders in Dallas, TX, GameChangers is now being used globally by all Aglow leaders.

When You Know Who You Are

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The following is an excerpt from GameChangers, Visit for more information. Taught in 2013 by Graham Cooke to a select group of Aglow leaders in Dallas, TX, GameChangers is now being used globally by all Aglow leaders.

A New Level of Authority

#JaneHansenHoytToday - From the beginning in Genesis God was clear about His intentions for creating mankind. He wanted a family that was created in His image. He wanted His family to multiply and fill the earth. He intended for His family to subdue it, to take dominion, to have rulership over the world. He expected the wind and the seas to obey us, just as it did Jesus.

Turning the Tables

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Since Aglow was birthed by the Spirit in 1967, God has been faithful to pour all the wisdom, all the courage, all the faith, all the discipline, all the love, and so much more into this movement in the earth. We have been born for such a time as this. The tables have been turned.

Clear Guidance for the End Times

#JaneHansenHoytToday - A few weeks prior to the start of the war between Hamas and Israel, Asher Intrater spoke at the Aglow Glory Rising 2023 conference on how the Book of Revelations provides us with a mile-high view of the end times, while the voice of God is like a GPS providing detailed instructions on how to navigate through the end times. Only with both can we have clear guidance for the end times.

A Word for Aglow

#JaneHansenHoytToday - I hear the Lord saying to you today, ‘Listen to the wind words of Holy Spirit, Aglow. They are penetrating your times and activating power to shift nations. For you have come to an appointed time.’

Now is the Time

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Our prophetic words must be as real in our hearts as they are in God’s. Listen closely as Graham Cooke speaks from the past into our future reminding us of our upgrades and the resources that God is releasing to us year by year. As he speaks, agree and align with this portion of a powerful, prophetic message.

Lift Up Your Hands

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Instead of worry – Jane reminds us that Psalm 134 says to Bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord. Lift up your hands and Bless the Lord, who created Heaven and earth. Worry and praise can’t coexist.

Who Will You Believe?

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The challenges in our lives can seem overwhelming, and as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us, He is King, He is Lord over all. When we can step onto that solid ground of knowing who He will be for us, fear can have no place in our hearts.

As Many Times as Needed!

#JaneHansenHoytToday - When we feel wronged it can seem only natural to carry those hurts with us until there has been recognition and apologies for the inflicted pain. However, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us, we could carry the weight of unforgiveness all our lives... or we can put it down, give it to Jesus, give it as many times as needed, and our hearts will no longer be wounded.

For the sake of Zion

#JaneHansenHoytToday - What happened on October 7th was not just a terrorist attack. Ultimately, it was a spiritual battle against God and His Word. In this video, Jane shares a message from our friend Asher Intrater warning us that the war in Israel will not stop there. We need to pray protection around our borders and for insight and awareness, keeping in mind Asher's warning. At the same time, we need to maintain the peace that passes understanding. God is on the move, and He is watching over all of us.

God has a Rich Deposit in Aglow

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Women have always played a significant role in God’s plans as we see with Mary of Bethany, Ruth, and Esther. As Jane reminds us, this is as true today as ever. God has a rich deposit in each one in Aglow that He intends to be heard at this time in history. He's always purposed it.

Darkness and Light

#JaneHansenHoytToday - A few weeks prior to the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, Asher Intrater spoke at the Aglow Glory Rising 2023 conference of how as the conflict between darkness and light increases, the enemy seeks to convince us that we have no part to play when we are in fact Bringers of the Light.

Aglow was birthed by God

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The earth is experiencing birth pangs in this hour, just as it did in 1967 when Jerusalem was reunified under Jewish control. It was that same year Aglow was birthed - a unique, unusual and unprecedented move of His Spirit. 57 years later, God is still using this ministry to stand against the prevailing darkness, that His Glory would be seen in the earth.

Hell Doesn't Stand a Chance

#JaneHansenHoytToday - God has stacked all things in the favor of those who are called by His Name.  It is in Him that we live and move and have our being!  He has given us the keys to His Kingdom and we are His governing Ecclesia on earth conducting business for the Kingdom of God.  Listen as Tim Sheets declares, “Hell doesn’t stand a chance!”

Shout Victory

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Join Asher Intrater as he leads the attendees of the 2023 Aglow Glory Rising conference in a prophetic Victory Shout, so that the Holy Spirit will mobilize, activate, and energize them to represent the Kingdom of God in every area of their personal lives in every nation of the world.

Servants and talents

#JaneHansenHoytToday - At the Aglow International 2023 Glory Rising conference Worship Night, Don Potter speaks between songs about the Servants and Talents from Mathew 25.

A Mocking Spirit Has No Power

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Jesus was challenged by mocking spirits, and Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that through faith and endurance we can face our own challenges, and mocking spirits will have no power.

See hear Declare

#JaneHansenHoytToday - A relevant message from Jane for today. God is calling us in this hour to live and to decree and to speak out of what we see from Heaven's perspective.

Called to a New Beginning

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Forty long years of exile on Mount Horeb become the training which prepare Moses for the day when he is at last called by God to a New Beginning.

The Great Mystery

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In 2015 Asher Intrater spoke at the Aglow International ‘As One’ conference: "This is a great mystery that the relationship between a man and wife was made by God to reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church, between the Messiah and the Ecclesia." Asher Intrater is a speaker at the 2023 'Glory Rising' conference in Jacksonville Florida.

Hope Deferred

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow speaker for the 2023 'Glory Rising' conference, Tim Sheets shares how Moses discovered firsthand, hope deferred can be deep, long and horrible. Yet, after 40 years of exile, he discovered that God had been preparing him for his moment in history.


#JaneHansenHoytToday - What can wash away our sin? Only the blood of Jesus. In this video, Jane shares thoughts about the power and significance of what the bread and the cup signify in our lives - all that Jesus died to give us. Prepare some elements and join Jane in celebrating the body and the blood of our Savior Jesus.

Watch Him Work

#JaneHansenHoytToday - We all have places in our heart God is working on. In this video, Jane encourages us to yield our lives, our circumstances, our very being to His control. He is working for us, not against us. Lay it down and watch Him work.

Slow Down and Connect

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of how relationships are precious. Rather than rushing in with our own words we can Slow Down and Connect.

A New Opening

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks that it's through play, rest and being still that we can best hear the Lord, and that there is a new opening to be found when we can be still and listen.

When Jesus Returns

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The enemy lost his war for Heaven and turned his efforts to dominating the earth. As Asher Intrater reminds us while speaking at the Aglow 2009 conference, that attempted domination by satan will not last forever.

Raise Your Hammer

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Asher Intrater prophesies over Aglow, imparting a spirit of Jael from the book of Judges, who dealt a death blow to the enemy with a hammer and tent peg. Asher declared that the Lord was giving to Jane and the ministry of Aglow a renewed power in spiritual warfare to bring down principalities of evil in the end times. These are the end times.

The Way is Clear

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Jane and Aglow staff member Janae Lovern share about the way God guides us to be who He wants us to be by speaking to our hearts through His Word.

Embrace it

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Sometimes, life can present us with difficult challenges, and we may resist or turn away from them. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt proposes that God may have placed hidden lessons within these for us to find.

Take Hold

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Whatever you are experiencing in your life today, take hold of His hand and know He is near. The Holy Spirit is our comfort. He is our stability. He is our rest and peace in difficult times.

Jane remembers Pat Robertson

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Dr Pat Robertson was instrumental in the formation of Aglow in the early days. Speaking at our first conference in 1974, his godly wisdom and encouragement continued throughout our warm relationship with him. Listen as Jane gives honor to a man who pioneered the way for others to follow.

A Changed Heart Throws no Stones

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Asher Intrater, President of Tikkun Global, reminds us that a changed heart throws no stones. Instead of looking at what is wrong with everybody else, we need to say “What do I need to change?”

The way is open

#JaneHansenHoytToday - As Jane shares some of her own grief from recent losses, she reminds us how important it is to acknowledge the pain. Yes... shed the tears, feel the grief, but don't stay in that place. Allow Holy Spirit to bring comfort and continue to move forward. We will all be together again one day. Jesus made it possible through his death and resurrection.

All the Bases Are Covered

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Does your life seem chaotic and full of surprises? Listen, as Jane reads from Psalm 103 and speaks of gratitude, trust and recognition that God's got this, and all the bases are covered.

Your greatest statement of faith

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Have you ever become stirred up and experienced just how easy it is to move away from quietness and into a place of questioning, anxiety and insecurity? Listen, as Jane reads from Isaiah 30 and reminds us that it is inside quietness and learning to trust in God that you find your greatest statement of faith.

Step out and try

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Jane and staff member Kimmy Wiant discuss that when God calls on you, your challenge is not to be perfect but rather to be ok with being uncomfortable and making mistakes and that you step out and try.

They got it

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Jane chats with Aglow HQ staff member Kimmy Wiant about how God has chosen us to run the last leg of the race and how we're being cheered on by those who've gone before us.

There is someone with you

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds you that as the world experiences stirrings, God's plan is unfolding. You are called for this time in history, and you are not alone. There is Someone with you.

Seeing through His eyes

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of an anchor which will hold you fast though the great waves and storms of life, and while we may not be able to see past the dark clouds and heavy rain, He can. See though His eyes.

Looking for Justice

#JaneHansenHoytToday - From our 2019 Jerusalem Convocation, Asher Intrater shares about how the issues of justice that we face in our world today can only be answered through the love of Christ.

Talking about Hope

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow president and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares how hope is like an anchor tossed into rough seas. It will hold us steady when the storms of life are raging. Let hope be your anchor today.

Aglow's Fruit is Eternal

#JaneHansenHoytToday - As Jane’s conference message unfolded, it was filled with reflection and powerful identifying statements of who God fashioned Aglow to be in the earth. Listen in and let Jane’s words resonate with how Heaven sees the champions and warriors of Aglow – powerful intercessors, faithful to obey, humble hearts, dependent upon the Lord. That is who we are.

Patience, He is on His way

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from Hebrews six and reminds us that God's promises to you will be fulfilled. As with Abraham your part is to look, hope, be expectant, speak faith and don't get agitated. Patience, He is on His way.


#JaneHansenHoytToday - Jane presents 'Ecclesia': we have pulled eight bullet points from Tim’s Friday evening message in St. Louis. Listen carefully to hear the importance of the Ecclesia, God’s ruling and reigning body on earth, in this hour. Assignments are connected to our prophetic words and it is time for them to come forward and be seen.

Feed the River

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Jane Presents Dutch Sheets speaking at the Aglow International 'We Know' 2022 conference, where he reminds us that God takes no pleasure in the judgment of the wicked and that if you give Him half a chance He will forgive, redeem and Feed the River.

Soul Power

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of the limitless bounty of Spirit power that is our gift to receive by letting go of the traps and limitations found in mind power and soul power.

Like an Arrow

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from 1st Corinthians 13 and speaks of love, kindness, long suffering, and God-sent messages that can surprise us with deep, personal truths that pierce Like an Arrow.

Reign In This Life

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Jane Presents Tim Sheets speaking from Romans 5:17 at the Aglow International 'We Know' conference, of how the enemy will lose in the end, and how we can all Reign in This Life though Jesus.

What You Do Matters

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Dutch Sheets demonstrates praying Heaven to earth as he speaks forth words that align Biblically for the nations of the world. Not our will be done, but His. His Kingdom come, His will be done. Add your faith as Dutch prays and watch for the results to come forth in your nation.

Message for the World

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Recently, Aglow’s President/CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt, addressed the European Leaders Summit at their annual meeting. As her message unfolded, we realized that those in Aglow would draw strength and encouragement from her words as they relate to the future of Aglow around the world.

Is There Another Way?

#JaneHansenHoytToday - A long-time friend of Jane and Aglow International, Bob Mendelsohn, head of Jews for Jesus in Australia shares with great humor and wisdom as he gives a short testimony of the power of the Gospel to open eyes and hearts of all those who are seeking Truth.

Jack Hayford 1934-2023

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Jane Presents a video made by Pastor Jack Hayford for the Aglow International 50th anniversary.

Forty Years of Perceived Failure

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Tim Sheets tells of how Moses spent forty years in exile as a failure only to find that those years had actually been preparing him for what was to come.

Jane's New Year Message 2023

#JaneHansenHoytToday -Watch, as Jane shares how the water level rises when we begin to speak what Heaven speaks. Let it rise in you as you follow the Spirit in 2023. It's going to be a year of new insights, new revelations and a quickening of His Spirit within us. It's going to be a good year!

Jane's Christmas Message 2022

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that God is looking to us for purity, innocence and simplicity, and these are things He can use. Merry Christmas from Aglow International!

Let It Be About Him

#JaneHansenHoytToday - There are many ways that we can encourage, show the love of the Lord, show blessing to people around us. And as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us, we all have opportunities to give a hand and to be His hand extended and His heart expressed. Let it be about Him.

Watch Heaven Come to Earth

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of how God is unfolding something and working His plan in a way that you can’t see. You can participate in it; speak into it; and become His hands and feet. If you listen to Him and say “yes,” you can be that person and watch Heaven come to earth.

You Won't Know the Hour

#JaneHansenHoytToday - While the events of the world are stirring and it can feel as though things are ramping up all around us, Aglow President and CEO reminds us that His closeness is at hand, and we want to encourage one another and lean into His Presence. You Won't Know the Hour of His coming.

I'm Free

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week, Jane Presents Tim Sheets speaking at the Aglow We Know 2022 conference. Allow Holy Spirit to release the accumulated grief stored in your heart from the hard places in your life. Feel His overwhelming love and compassion melt away every hurt, injustice, and loss. Experience freedom that will propel you into the future God has for you.

He's Not Through

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks from the We Know conference about the early formative days of the ministry, and after fifty-five years God has more ahead for Aglow. He's not through.

The Water Level Rises

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks now words from Barbara Yoder, Asher Intrater and Mike Bickel. Wherever Aglow is, the water level rises.

Things Are Shifting

#JaneHansenHoytToday - At the Friday morning session of the 'We Know' conference, Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of her visitations by angels and expectations of meaningful things in our lives to come. Things are Shifting.

Prepare Your Heart

#JaneHansenHoytToday - With the Aglow 2022 We Know conference close at hand, Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us cleanse our hearts, yield our hearts, and welcome Almighty God to build something for His Glory in us and through us. It’s a new day.

Look for the New

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks at our recent Convocation in Jerusalem. Jane is reminding us that God is always working on the inside to align us with Heaven and bring about something new in our lives and ministry.

Horaios the Right Time

#JaneHansenHoytToday - God has blessed Aglow with many key relationships; individuals who have spoken into the ministry over the years and have blessed us greatly. Listen as Jane presents a powerful message by Dutch Sheets that is sure to strengthen your faith.

Hungry for God

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt talks about how she first became involved with Aglow from her hunger for God.

Follow Your Peace

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow President and CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt, presents a simple path for staying in a place of peace amidst the turmoil and conflict that life can bring.

Taking You to a Different Place

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Have you ever found that your reading of the Bible just isn't bringing the life that it once did for you? Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt tells us that this is not uncommon, and perhaps He is Taking You to a Different Place.

A Time of Awakening

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The 1960s were a time of great unrest and change that challenged perceptions about the role of women in society, and especially the Church. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt recounts how God was moving in A Time of Awakening.

The Beginning of Proclamation

#JaneHansenHoytToday - God has blessed Aglow with many key relationships; individuals who have spoken into the ministry over the years and have blessed us greatly. Listen as Jane presents a powerful message by Graham Cooke that is sure to strengthen your faith.

From the Beginning

#JaneHansenHoytToday - 1967 was an eventful year with Vietnam, the civil rights movement, women's liberation, the Summer of Love, the charismatic movement and the start of what would become Aglow International. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt talks about the beginnings of Aglow.

Humility Opens the Doors

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Generations of people develop their own traditions and customs for how they interact with each other as well as their parents and children, and this can create conflict between these groups. Listen, as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt tells us when seeking connections with others, judgment closes doors while Humility Opens the Doors.

Our Peace Will Grow

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Who can be trusted in the midst of uncertainty and gathering storm clouds when we can’t see what is ahead? Listen as Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us of the fear the disciples felt as their boat was rocked by choppy waters and a storm, and that as we go through our own storms, and allow our faith and trust in Him to increase, Our Peace Will Grow.

Treasure Above All Things

#JaneHansenHoytToday - The Presence of the Lord can manifest at any time. In this week's episode, Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shows us that though we may have many things to do in our daily lives, that precious time in His Presence is something to be cultivated, and expected and to Treasure Above all Things.

Power of an Open Heart

#JaneHansenHoytToday - It’s in the fallen nature of the flesh to always want to be right and to be heard. Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that Jesus wants to be seen and heard in us through the power of words coming out of an open and honest heart. Words flowing out of our experience of His mercy are anointed with His Presence and express Heaven on earth. That is the Power of an Open Heart.”

Listen by the Spirit

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals how to build stronger relationships by allowing the Holy Spirit to be at work in your conversations. Listen as Jane encourages us to not just listen to words but "Listen by the Spirit."

The Superior Way to Go

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt gives us deeper revelation into the importance of relationship. Listen as Jane unfolds, "The Superior Way to Go" in establishing a genuine connection with others.


#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this first episode of the second season, Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares from Psalm 133. Listen as Jane reveals how "Unity" is precious and integral in the workings of Heaven.

Grace Revisited

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Do you sometimes find yourself in situations with people that cause something to rise in you that is not the Holy Spirit? In this fresh look at a previous message, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt, prays, "Oh for grace to trust You more." Listen as Jane reminds us that Jesus encourages us to give of ourselves freely to others. Put your expectations on the altar and let His "Grace" be at work in your life today.

Hand It Over Revisited

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Are you in a difficult situation where you are wearing yourself out to provide for the needs of a loved one? In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals a powerful work of God that will bring peace and quiet to you and the person in need. Listen as Jane encourages us to stop working so hard out of our own ability, "Hand it Over" and come into the peaceful activity of the spirit.

Be a Blessing Revisited

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week's episode is a fresh look at a message from Jane that expands our understanding of the word blessing. Listen as President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us to bring forth the life of Jesus and "Be a Blessing."

Learn to be Still Revisited

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week's episode is a fresh look at a message where Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us from Galatians 2. Listen as Jane reveals the way to hear and feel the Lord's answers to life's challenges, just "Learn to Be Still."

Tabernacle of the Lord Revisited

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week's episode is a fresh look at a message that Jane shares about a profound experience with the Lord. Listen as Aglow President and CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt touches us with an emotional story and a heartfelt encouragement to tabernacle ourselves with the Lord.

A Partner with the King

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week Jane Hansen Hoyt Today presents an episode that features one of our 2022 Aglow Conference speakers, Dutch Sheets. Listen as Dutch delivers a pronouncement in Orlando that Aglow is "A Partner with the King." Reserve your place with the Aglow family in St. Louis for the 2022 Aglow Conference, registration is open.

The Third Great Awakening

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week’s message is a reprise of Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt’s message the "Third Great Awakening”. Listen as Jane shares what "The Third Great Awakening" will look and feel like; and speaks of a change that will encourage and lift us up in a way that will astonish us.

House of Bread

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week features a message from Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt, given at Aglow's 2013 Global Conference. Listen as Jane shares from the scripture Ruth 1:6 and establishes that Aglow has become a "House of Bread" that the Lord has used to feed millions.

An Esther Calling

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares the history of "An Esther Calling" upon Aglow. Listen as Jane speaks at the podium from the 2015 Aglow Global Conference that took place in Indianapolis.

Everything Has Changed

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares a personal trial that she struggled to change when she heard the Holy Spirit say, "I want you to give this up to me." Listen as Jane prays for us to offer up the treasures of our life and prays that from this day forward, "Everything Has Changed."

Welcome Angelic Hosts

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow International President and CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals 2 unusual visitations that occurred to her recently. Listen as Jane proclaims, "Welcome Angelic Hosts."

You Have the Answer

#JaneHansenHoytToday -In this episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares from Romans 8:22. All of humanity is groaning, but not all have the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Listen, as Jane foresees greater opportunities to reveal Heaven because "You Have the Answer."

The Light of Heaven Goes Forward

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares her heart about the war taking place in Ukraine. Listen as Jane urges us to pray for God's intervention. God is a work exposing places of darkness and "The Light of Heaven Goes Forward" no matter what.

For Such a Time as This

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week's episode features a 2016 interview with Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt. Listen as Jane shares the first time Aglow was likened to Esther and called, "For Such A Time As This" and the relevance that phrase still has today.

Trail of Discovery

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In the conclusion of this installment, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us to look inward and listen by the Spirit when trouble confronts us. Listen as Jane leads us to call upon the Holy Spirit to overtake us in a greater way than we have ever known, and to relax into this "Trail of Discovery" with the Lord. For part one, watch "Living on the Trail."

Living on the Trail

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of a stirring up that is taking place in this hour that is causing God's people to arise and fulfill His purpose and pleasure. Listen as Jane reminds us that Aglow International began as a pioneering ministry living on a trail we had never walked before; and fifty-five years later, it's what keeps Aglow alive in the Spirit.

Go Back to Your Center

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, with great unrest in the world, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that when dread or fear comes we have a choice in what we are going to believe. Listen as Jane urges us to stop the thought pattern, and "Go Back to Your Center." Open yourself to BE His testimony of Peace. We are the hope the world is looking for.

The Rod of Authority

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt recounts a powerful moment from the 2015 Aglow Global Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. Listen as Jane leads us to take up "The Rod of Authority" and exalt the name that is above every name, Jesus.

Plant Your Feet

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares from the hymn "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less." Listen as Jane earnestly encourages us with faith that comes from the Holy Spirit and affirms the lyrics of the song, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand." Let YOUR faith arise today and, "Plant Your Feet" on the solid Rock!

Counted As Never Absent

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares from the book "Spiritual Secret" from Hudson Taylor. Listen as Jane recounts Taylor's discovery that to be separated from a man-consciousness center is to love and serve God in the highest way, and He can be "Counted As Never Absent."

Two Interesting Men

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week's episode features a 2016 interview with Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt. Listen as Jane shares two "chance" meetings while traveling abroad, with individuals who both spoke the same word to her.

O Jerusalem

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares her heart for Jerusalem, the place where God's throne will be established. Listen as Jane prays, "O Jerusalem" let God's Word be fulfilled over this city.

Focus on the Treasure

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares from Matthew 13:44-45, the parable of the treasure and the pearl. Listen as Jane reveals the things in this life we tend to cling to that God is calling us to "sell," release from our grasp and, "Focus on the Treasure."

Barriers are Being Broken

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt describes a work of God that is building up the Body of Christ. Listen as Jane reveals how God is using the struggles in our lives to "Break the Barriers" that keep us distant from Him and to fulfill His glorious purposes in the earth.

There's More for You

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt expresses exciting and hopeful anticipation for 2022. Listen as Jane encourages us that in the coming year, "There's More for You."

Awaken to Much More

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares the Christmas Story from the perspective of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Listen as Jane exhorts us to be alert and "Awaken to Much More" that God wants to deposit in our lives.

Partake of the Tree of Life

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares a Christmas message from Isaiah 9:6. Listen as Jane reminds us that as we enlarge who He is in us, we will see Him rise and show that to, “Partake of the Tree of Life” is the right choice to make.

Thirsty for Him

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt describes a spiritual longing that the Lord is allowing to become urgent that will lead us to a fresh place in our walk with Him. Listen as Jane shares a work God is doing that causes us to be, "Thirsty For Him."

Greater Manifestation

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane envisions the future of Aglow International and how God wants to use the ministry. Listen as Jane, foresees a "Greater Manifestation" of anything we have ever experienced that will reveal God to the world.

This Far and No Further

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane shares a testimony of God's faithfulness during a difficult time in her family. Listen as she shares the moment something rose up in her and she asserted to the enemy, "This Far and No Further."

Living by the Life of Another

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Do you feel like you don't have enough to face what today holds? This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane shares from the book "The Ultimate Intention" by DeVern Fromke. Listen as Jane reveals a life-giving union with Christ that results in our "Living by the Life of Another."

A New You

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this episode Jane shares from the scripture the Lord gave her, "You will live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord." ~ Psalm 118:17. Listen as Jane reveals a work the Lord is doing to produce, "A New You" that will touch the world.

A Divine Exchange

#JaneHansenHoytToday - At some time or another, we all feel agitated and stirred up inside. The key is what you do during those times. This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane shares wisdom from Psalm 37. No matter what you might feel, delight yourself in the Lord and allow a "Divine Exchange" to take place.

Surely He Is

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today", Jane digs deeper into a word the Lord gave her in the night recently. Listen as Jane encourages us with a fresh word of hope that, "Surely He Is" who said He will be in the midst of every circumstance of our life.

Step Up Into Greater Faith

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane exhorts us to follow God no matter what is coming at us. Listen as Jane encourages us to follow Him no matter where it seems to be going and to, "Step Up" into greater faith.

Let the River Flow

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane reminds us that God chose us to be the vessels that carry His goodness to others. Listen as Jane encourages us to "Let the River Flow" and let His life pour out through us.

Lord Help Me

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Are you feeling empty inside? In this episode of "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane reveals the way to feel full inside. When we are weary, when our tank is low, Jane shares that in any circumstance we can pray, "Lord Help Me" and call on the Lord to activate Himself in us. Listen as Jane gives us ways to live this out in the world in beautiful and authentic ways.


#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode of "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane shares a word the Lord gave her in the night. Listen as Jane reveals the confidence the Lord is "Surely" imparting to us.

It Doesn't Make Sense

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode of "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today," Jane redirects our attention away from the tribulation and difficulty taking place around us. Listen as she shares from Psalm 103, and encourages us not to look at the circumstances, but to let HIs peace fill us in a way that, Doesn't Make Sense.

The Work of the Kingdom

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week on "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today", Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt prays for the situation in Afghanistan. Listen as she shifts our focus away from earthly answers to Kingdom solutions, and calls forth “The Work of The Kingdom.” Lord let Your name be lifted high!

Start From the Inside

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode of Jane Hansen Hoyt Today, Jane speaks a word of healing over our minds, bodies, and emotions. Listen as Jane urges us to lay aside the the external answers we are seeking and let Him "Start From the Inside."

Stop Pause Rest Listen

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this episode of Jane Hansen Hoyt Today, Jane shares insight inspired by Jesus' words in the book of John that says, "apart from Me, You can do nothing." Listen as Jane urges us to hone into His voice and "Stop, Pause, Rest, Listen."

From Generation to Generation

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In today's world, it would seem that many are wanting more of the world than of God. In this episode of "Jane Hansen Hoyt Today", Jane speaks of God's blessing. She reminds us that the favor of God doesn't just land on one generation's shoulders; it is passed on "From Generation to Generation." Just keep speaking it and believing it!

It Has to be Cultivated

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt shares inspiration from A.W. Tozer, whose highest priority was to know God. Listen as Jane reminds us that in order to hear God, "It Has to be Cultivated."

Take the Plunge

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Are you seeking a deeper experience with God? This week, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us to lean into promises of God and "Take the Plunge."

Learn to Be Still

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Are you feeling ill-equipped to handle difficult situations that you are currently facing? In this episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us from Galatians 2. Listen as Jane reveals the way to hear and feel the Lord's answers to life's challenges, just "Learn to Be Still."

The Third Great Awakening

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of the "Third Great Awakening" and what it will look and feel like. Listen as Jane speaks of a change that will encourage and lift us up in a way that will astonish us.

Just Start Walking

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this week's episode, Aglow CEO & President Jane Hansen Hoyt brings an encouraging word as we step into a third-day awakening; a new move of God's Spirit in the earth. Listen as Jane shares a glimpse of what leaving the old must have felt like for the Israelites as they departed Egypt and exhorts us in our own lives to, "Just Start Walking."

Give it up

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow president and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reads from the book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, and calls on us to recognize that true security exists only though Him and not from our efforts to gain control of the circumstances of our lives. We can choose instead to "Give it up".

Something Marvelous

#JaneHansenHoytToday - In this episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt asks the question, "Are you hungry for more (revelation, Holy Spirit, fulfillment of destiny)?" Listen as Jane speaks of "Something Marvelous" the Lord is doing; open your your heart and let the old fall away.

A Deeper Well

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt reflects on the birth of the charismatic renewal and the humble role Father Dennis Bennett and his wife Rita played. Listen as Jane speaks of being on the precipice of another explosive move of His Spirit and things in our life that God is using to dig, "A Deeper Well" within us.

Tabernacle of the Lord

#AglowFridayVideo - In this episode, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt gives insight into a deep work of the Lord that is drawing us into His Presence. Listen as Jane shares there's nothing more important than "The Tabernacle of the Lord."

We Want It All

#AglowFridayVideo - Aglow prayer director Nancy McDaniel gives us greater understanding of our yearning for the fullness of the Lamb of God. Listen as Nancy leads us in communion and prays that we eat it all, drink it all and We Want It All.

Preview of the 2021 European Summit via Zoom

#AglowFridayVideo - This video is a short preview of a monumental message by Jane Hansen Hoyt, President & CEO of Aglow International. In the full message Jane casts a Holy-Spirit inspired vision of the future of Aglow. This message was given to the 2021 European Leaders' Summit via Zoom.

Aglow 2017 Global Conference - Leader's Summit - Session One

#AglowFridayVideo - Feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances of the world? Your life? In this timely message, Graham Cooke refocuses our eyes on the majesty of God. Graham goes further to say, "There there are things that we only learn in opposition that we can't learn when things are going well."

Sort it Out - Episode Two

#AglowFridayVideo - Have you ever been in the difficult situation that requires you to care for all the needs of a loved one? In this week's episode, Aglow International President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals a subtle place where the focus is turned away from God and becomes what you can do to fix things. Listen as Jane encourages us to give it all to Jesus and let Him, "Sort it Out."

Don't Live for the Rare Moments - Episode One

#AglowFridayVideo - At times it can feel as though God is silent. And at other times, we can be so aware of His Presence and attention to our needs. In Episode 1 of this series, Aglow President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt affirms the wonderful nature of "illuminated times," but urges us "Don't Live for the Rare Moments."

FAITH - Episode Three

#AglowFridayVideo​ - Seasons bring change in our life; and change isn't always easy. In Episode 3 of this series, Aglow CEO and President Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that God ALWAYS has our good in mind. Listen as Jane encourages us that, "He's gone before us, He's prepared the way, and He's prepared the place!"

JOY - Episode Two

#AglowFridayVideo​ - Have you ever looked at someone and wondered, "Why are they always so happy?" In Episode 2 of this series, Aglow CEO and President Jane Hansen Hoyt helps us to navigate the highs and lows of this life and proclaims, "Be Joyful! He is The Rock of our salvation and our very present help in trouble."

Change - Episode One

#AglowFridayVideo​ - In Episode 1 of this series, Aglow CEO and President Jane Hansen Hoyt brings us closer to understanding the power of gratitude while navigating the vast landscape of change that we're all experiencing. Listen as Jane, in her gracious and relatable way, guides us into greater alignment with God.

Go to the Well - Episode Two

#AglowFridayVideo - In Part 2 of this series, Jane Hansen Hoyt invites us to a place of greater trust in the Lord; a place where Holy Spirit can comfort, encourage and bring revelation we've never seen before. Listen as Jane, in her graceful and humble way, urges us to enter into an unfolding experience that changes us day after day and leads us to a higher place in the Lord.

Go to the Well - Episode One

#AglowFridayVideo - Are you feeling empty and unfulfilled inside? Does your spirit feel dry? In this 2-part series, Jane Hansen Hoyt guides us away from "self" and urges us to "Go to the Well" and drink from the Water that will slacken our thirst.

Watch Him Fulfill His Pleasure

#AglowFridayVideo - We all struggle with difficult situations in our life at one time or another. Listen as President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us that in the midst of them, God is forming something eternal for Himself. Link your prayers with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and "Watch Him Fulfill His Pleasure."

River of Boldness

#AglowFridayVideo - Do you feel reticent to speak in certain situations, even though you feel something is stirring inside you? Listen as President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us to get into the Living Water and let the River of Boldness flow through you.

Count on His Redemption

#AglowFridayVideo - Are there things in your life creating feelings of uncertainty; things that cause questions to arise in your heart? Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt assures us that when we see destruction, we can “Count on His Redemption.”

Enjoy the Water

#AglowFridayVideo - Have the turbulent waves on the ocean of life become your focus? Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt redirects our attention to a different kind of wave; ones that come from the Holy Spirit. Trust in the Water that will cover and engulf you, but will never drown you. Jump in, let go and “Enjoy the Water."

Rain from Heaven

#AglowFridayVideo - Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt describes a torrential outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is a preparation for the days ahead. Don't be afraid! Take off your rain slicker and put down your umbrella and let the "Rain from Heaven" soak you!

It is Going to Come Full Circle

#AglowFridayVideo - Relationships are important to God. If it feels like He's making adjustments to them, don't be afraid! Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us to keep our focus and trust, "It's Going to Come Full Circle."

Yield to the Possibilities

#AglowFridayVideo - Do you feel today that life's circumstances feel unfair? Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt guides us into that place of stillness where HE is God; and helps us to "Yield to the Possibilities."

He Calls You the Beloved

#AglowFridayVideo – Some days it can be hard to remember that as children of God, our behavior is not what He’s focused on. Listen as President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt urges us to stop self-rejection, and to let the Holy Spirit lead us in the direction we need to go. You are redeemed; you are chosen, “You Are the Beloved.”

Expect the Favor of God

#AglowFridayVideo - Even as the things of the world are being stirred, Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that Jesus came to save us and we have nothing to fear. Listen as she encourages us to, Expect the Favor of God!

Bring Life

#AglowFridayVideo – This week, President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt gives fresh insight to the concept of blessing. Listen as Jane exhorts us to rise up in the strength and victory that God has purposed and "Bring Life!"

Overtake me lord

#AglowFridayVideo - The very real things of this world tend to be diminished when we come up higher and live in a new relationship with God. Listen, as Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals how being in this higher place changes your reactions into responses and softens your harsh words as you become aligned more fully with Him.

He is King Over All

#AglowFridayVideo As we begin the new year, Jane speaks the confidence of the Lord into all that we may encounter going forward. Join Jane for communion and listen as she shares powerful encouragement that Jesus is King over all.

Wait and Listen

#AglowFridayVideo - Today it seems people have a lot to say, and learning to "Wait and Listen" is not something often encouraged. Take a moment as Jane Hansen Hoyt shares insight into familiar situations that will help usher God into the midst of difficult things.

Just Be There

#AglowFridayVideo - As we prepare ourselves to step into the new year, listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals a simple and powerful principle that transforms our idea of "ministry." You are a carrier of the presence of almighty God, "Just Be There!"

Let Him In

#AglowFridayVideo - This Christmas season, listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us with a message of healing and restoration. Maybe this time for you (or someone you know,) is a sad time. Open the door and "Let Him In" to renew, refresh, and heal every area of your life!

Behold He Comes

#AglowFridayVideo - We find our joy not in what we see in the news, but in our sharing with each other and in the joy of the Lord. Listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds of the source of true joy.

Don't be a Chicken

#AglowFridayVideo - Listen as Graham Cooke reveals that it's not when things are going well that we rise up. It's when things are NOT going well that we have the greatest opportunities. We are training to be the best we can be on our worst day! Don't be a chicken with your wings clipped; worship God in the midst of your circumstances. He will lift you up; YOU are an eagle.

Thrive On Chaos

#AglowFridayVideo - These days, it can seem that getting enough just to meet your needs is all that is possible. What if the Truth is God wants YOU to sow provision and the favor of God to those around who are hopeless and sinking because of chaos swirling all around.

Is anyone listening?

#AglowFriday Video - Relationships today are more strained than ever. In these times when people seem to be speaking at each other, is anyone really listening? Listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt implores us lay down our right-ness and reveals the way to unity.

He supports you

#AglowFridayVideo - You might feel that God is focused on how you are handling turmoil and change in your life, but rest assured He is looking at Himself in you. He supports you.

Bring Peace

#AglowFridayVideo – As the world continues to shake and things don’t happen as expected, Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds to be, peace bringers. “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all else is sinking sand!”

You Are Pleasing

#AglowFridayVideo - It's out of our own strength that we so often work to become our best selves. In an astonishing revelation, Aglow President and CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals that it's not you, He is looking to see. He's looking to see Himself in you.

You will be OKAY

#AglowFridayVideo - Listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt, Aglow International President and CEO, gives encouragement that God has laid a foundation for the fulfillment of His plan, and we are part of that fulfillment! Walk forward in the strength, the goodness, and the faithfulness of God. You will be okay!

Given As Bread

#AglowFridayVideo – Given as Bread In this time of rising tensions and division, God has prepared a people that can be given as Bread to the World. A Bread that sustains and satisfies in a deep way.

The Real Deal

In these uncertain times, do you find yourself trying to fill an empty space inside created by unrest? In this week's segment, listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that the only true source of peace comes from the "Real Deal."

Stable As Can Be

#AglowFridayVideo In this week's segment, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals to us that the source of instability is depending on self. Listen as Jane encourages us to go back to the core truth that is as stable as stable can be.

Your Strength is Not Enough

In this week's #AglowFridayVideo Jane speaks from Genesis 12 and how Abraham's first efforts were out of his own strength and it was not enough.

Give Christ Away

#AglowFridayVideo In this time of division and polarization Jane Hansen Hoyt brings insight to deliver unity into our midst again.

A Global Ministry

For over 50 years Aglow International has been a safe gathering place for people to grow, heal, and worship God; we look at the heart. Listen as Jacqueline and Corina, the Presidents of two U.S. Aglow groups, give a spirited and emotional invitation in Spanish (with English closed captions) to take part in the ministry that exists in over 170 nations of the world.

Throwing the First Stone

In this week's message, friend of Aglow, Asher Intrater teaches out of John Chapter 8 and shows us how to seek righteousness in the midst of negative circumstances. "Putting down the stone" allows us to reject partnering with adversity and invites God to meet our needs in a new way.

This is Practice

Prayer Director, Nancy McDaniel, shares a word the Lord gave her at the beginning of 2020. Listen as Nancy gives insight into a work God is doing that will prepare our hearts for what is coming. What we are experiencing now, is just a practice.

Look For The New

Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us at the opening of our recent Jerusalem convocation that your goodness and power come not from your behavior but from Christ within you.

Favor as a Lifestyle

When hope for the future seems dim, Graham Cooke reminds us that our prophetic words, personally as well as corporately, give us much needed confidence regarding outcomes. It doesn't matter what's in front of you, your prophetic words can overcome it! Share this video with someone who is searching for meaning and understanding during these extraordinary times.

Kingly Intercession

In 2017, Aglow was celebrating 50 years of ministry and was poised to move into a new era. In this video, we hear a prophetic declaration of God’s purpose for Aglow for the next 50 years. As in Proverbs 16, Aglow has committed its works to the Lord, and its plans have been established. God is in charge!

The Bottom Line

When the answers to life's problems seem nowhere to be found, Aglow Worship Leader Emeritus, Ruth Collingridge reminds us what “the bottom line” is. Listen as Ruth encourages us to keep pursuing God's purpose for our life.

Why, God?

In this week’s message Aglow’s President/CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt answers the age-old question, Why has God allowed this? Listen as Jane reveals the opportunity in your circumstance to rise up into a place greater than any you’ve walked in before.

Connect With Heaven

Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares insight into fasting as an opportunity to focus on the Lord. A time that allows your spirit and heart to be drawn closer to the Lord. Listen as Jane shows us a place we can step into where we can hear an obey and move according to God's spirit in ways perhaps we haven't been able to before.

His Plans Are Good

At this time, after much prayer and seeking the Lord, Jane lets us know that we will not be holding an Aglow Conference in September of this year. We are looking at other ways we can connect as a family in the future. As we continue to see the Lord and fast Jane encourages us to wait on the Lord and to be filled with courage. Feel Him strengthening your heart and take time to rest in Him...every plan He has for us is GOOD.

In the Midst

As the enemy works overtime to stir the atmosphere, Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us of the keys to peace that we can apply to our current circumstances. Jane goes on to further our grasp of the trust and rest that is also possible as she shares from the book The Invisible War by Donald Gray Barnhouse. God is for us and He will rise and be glorious in the midst of it all!

Turn us all Around

As the world continues to shake, Jane Hansen Hoyt prays that Jesus would turn us all around and enable us to walk with one another in a greater way.

God's Got You

In these times of upheaval and uncertainty, our lives can feel like we're on a roller coaster. Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us it's all in His control. Be at rest, be at peace...He's got you.

Doing a Reset

This week, Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of the quietness we're all experiencing when the productiveness of life has seemingly stopped. In this video, Jane helps us to refocus our view and see what God is doing in this time.

The Exchanged Life

Description: Aglow International President/CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares insight from the book "Spiritual Secrets" by Hudson Taylor. Join Jane as she gives us a greater understanding of Taylor's statement, "Christ is the only power for unchanging joy."

Look Inside

Description: As turmoil and discord grip the world, friend of Aglow, Asher Intrater, reveals Jesus' timely message in John 8:7 to encourage us to stand as people of the Light. Join Jane Hansen Hoyt at the close of the message as she prays a new freedom, a new liberty and new cleansing in our spirit and our hearts.

Cultivate Goodness

As chaos unfolds around the world, Graham Cooke delivers a prophesy more relevant today than ever. When we find ourselves in a struggle, the question to ask is NOT, "Lord, WHY is this happening?" But, "Lord, WHAT do you want to transform?"

Personal Revival

In midst of the stillness the world has been experiencing and the collapse of things that have always seemed dependable, Jane Hansen Hoyt speaks of the solid foundation of all that is real, and never changes. Jesus.

One Body

In this time leading up to Pentecost, Jane speaks of a stirring taking place that is a deep work of God. A work taking place in each of us that is part of God's longing for deeper relationship with us. And in this, it is moving us toward the fulfillment of John 17:21; that we become One Body, in a way we have not seen yet.

Step Into Day Eight

As we continue to seek God's purpose in this season, Jane helps set our sight on where God is taking us. It's on His shoulders. Listen as Jane shares with the Aglow HQ staff and begins with a Word from Ezekiel 12. Prepare your communion elements and join Jane in this short message that will fuel your spirit and fill you with joy and hope.

Filled to the Brim

This week, Jane speaks of a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is setting us free even now, to fulfill the purposes for which we were created. Be sure to "Like" and share this video with others who would appreciate this message.

A New Boldness

This week, Jane reflects on a work Holy Spirit is doing in the midst of these unusual times; and speaks of a 'veil' being removed that is taking us to a new place in Him filled with joy and liberty. Be sure to "Like" and share this video with your team and others who would appreciate this message.

Joyfully Expectant

In this week's video, Aglow's President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt, gives insight into a word she received at the start of 2020 before the Coronavirus crisis took hold. It's an indication that God is doing something enormous that is fulfilling His desire for us in a very personal way.

It's Big... Really Big

As we ponder the meaning of the "timeout" we are currently in, listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt recalls something significant she saw in 2017 at the Aglow 50th Anniversary Celebration; and helps us to see into what is to come.

Fear Not

In the midst of this global, Coronavirus pandemic, we need not fear! He is with us always, even to the ends of the earth. Listen as President/CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us in this challenging time.

The Meal That Heals

President/CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt invites us to receive healing through communion. Watch as Jane reveals the power of the "meal that heals" that restores and renews every aspect of our lives and enables us to take hold of everything God has spoken over us.

Stand Strong

In this hopeful and reassuring message, Jane Hansen Hoyt, Aglow International President & CEO, reminds us that God has our protection covered during this Coronavirus outbreak.

Now Is The Time

At the 2019 Jerusalem Convocation, Asher Intrater speaks of the crossroad we find ourselves at today. Now is the time to rise to a higher level to access the authority of Heaven, and change the situations we are facing.

Getting the Kinks Out

Jane Hansen Hoyt and Rick Allen discuss the masks we wear.


Do you ever feel that somehow your behavior has missed the mark? In this video, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals uplifting truth about God's ability to present us faultless before His throne.

The Right Time

Conference speaker, Lance Wallnau relates a humorous connection between the theme of the 2018 U.S. National Conference and when he would "meet" Aglow and speak.

Sharpening Focus

In this week's Wednesday release, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals how God is sharpening our focus so that He can fulfill his intention to redeem every aspect of our life.

A Call to Presence

In this clip from the 2019 Jerusalem Convocation, Jane Hansen Hoyt reflects on the clarity and power God has been speaking to Aglow about the importance of His Presence.

Are you Paying Attention?

In this weeks clip, Dutch Sheets shares a story that reveals God's intention to expose what the enemy is doing and how to take out "giants."


In this week's clip, Lance Wallnau shares thoughts about a radical invasion of God's glory and its effect on the great harvest.


Listen as Dutch Sheets shares a word to Aglow about waiting on the Lord.