Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Isaiah 58:6
Prayer breaks chains and gives favor that is supernatural. It enables rescue and puts people in the right place at the right time.
As I sit to write this newsletter, I am so thankful for all that God has brought forth through this publication! I want to take a minute to update you on some new happenings with myself and Anti-Trafficking.
While it has been such an honor to help launch Aglow's awareness in the area of Anti-Trafficking, as of August 31st I will no longer operate in the place of Anti-Trafficking Specialist. Since our primary focus has been prayer, we feel it is now time to move Anti-Human Trafficking under our Prayer department. You will continue to receive Anti-Trafficking prayer points in our monthly Global Prayer Target and our website contains excellent Anti-Trafficking resources.
We also urge you to continue doing the great work you have been doing in your area with anti-trafficking.
There are many things to do and we expect Anti-Trafficking in Aglow to move forward. I’ll still be here – just rolling up my sleeves in other departments.
Anti-Trafficking in Aglow continues on!
- Under the umbrella of Prayer we will pray for Anti-Human Trafficking via the Global Prayer Target.
- The Take Action page will remain in place for continued prayer and steps for how to move forward in this area.
What will change?
- You will no longer receive anti-trafficking newsletters.
- Anti-Trafficking inquiries can now be sent to your US Regional Director or your National Board or to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . - Not much else will change! Let’s keep up the great work, and keep taking territory!
Updated Website
In the meantime, we’ve updated our Anti-Trafficking website! Take a quick minute to check out all of these updates:
- The updated website
- Previously sent Anti-Trafficking Newsletters
- Action Points
- New Resources
- Or view an Anti-Trafficking page in French, Spanish or Portuguese
Let’s continue to move forward in power and authority to see freedom brought to those enslaved! Thank you for praying, acting and fighting for all to be set free.
Standing in the gap with you,
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Anti-Trafficking Specialist
Aglow International