
At the 2017 Global Conference, Mariette, a South African woman living in Canada, was overjoyed to meet her South African Aglow sisters. She was able to later travel to South Africa to teach GameChangers.

Attendees at the 30th Anniversary conference of Aglow Togo described it as awesome!” Aglow Togo National President, Agnes Eho Johnson, was amazed when twice as many delegates attended as had been expected.

This July, I had the privilege of attending a prayer meeting which was hosted at the Aglow Togo Headquarters and was greatly surprised and encouraged to discover their beautiful building, right in the capital city of Lomé.
- At a time like this – Aglow Cameroon declares “Trust in God”
- News from South Africa: Christian Chief Justice prays for President-Elect and Parliament
- Gratitude for Uganda Transformation Trip
- Our Struggle is Not Against Flesh and Blood
- 2018 Uganda Transformation Trip
- Aglow Malawi Strategic Call To Prayer Luncheon
- GameChangers Taught in Burkina Faso
- Salvation Testimony From a Former Muslim
- Prayer and Connections
- Uganda Aglow Transformation Report