United States

Recently John and Lydia McCroskey participated in a state prayer assignment as the South Texas Area Team put boots on the ground at the southern border of Texas.

Cathy Caylor tells of a powerful prayer assignment that the Brookville, PA Lighthouse recently completed to pray for schools, colleges, and government officials.

Ramona Weber, President of, the Des Moines, Iowa Community Lighthouse, spoke with someone at Headquarters and wanted to share some of the creative ideas her team is using to reach out into the community. We thought we should share her ideas with you.

The Central Southern Colorado Area Team, along with eight other Lighthouse members, gathered together to paint the borders of their state.

As we began to hear Dutch Sheets talk about 'painting the borders with the oil of Holy Spirit' people and groups began to rush to their borders, eager to participate in this vital strategy.
Sherry Anderson, Aglow Florida State Leader, holds Prophetic Boot Camp seminars hosted by the Area Teams in Florida as leadership training.

Glenda Rocca, California State Prayer Coordinator, sent in a report of what is taking place in California as the nation has been called by leaders in the Body of Christ to ‘paint the borders’ and to ‘Command the Foreword’.

Here is a picture of a prayer team, including our Florida and Georgia State Prayer Coordinators, who have been on-site in Jacksonville praying for our conference.

“It gives me great pleasure to share with you a recent assignment to advance on the HIGH PLACES of New Jersey to take back the territory for the Kingdom and Glory of God,” writes Elaine Santo, President of the Central South New Jersey Area Team.

Some of the ladies in the Roanoke, Virginia Neighborhood Lighthouse gathered at their July 4th prayer meeting to prophetically paint the borders of Virginia. The women joined their faith together to anoint the map of their state and pray for the nation, too.

Aglow Teams and friends gathered in northeastern Colorado April 21-22, 2023, for the Colorado State Rally. The theme was “Harmony on the Prairie” from the Scripture Colossians 3:14 Amp. “And above all these, put on love and enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness which binds everything together completely in ideal Harmony”.

Recently, Chaplain Kibben, hosted a Ministry and Faith Fair in the Cannon Office Building on Capitol Hill. As different Aglow groups came into Washington, D.C., Chaplain Kibben's has been able to meet with some of them.

In 1994, Kathy Gillard had a vision of a quilt with a huge star in the middle. The red center of the star represented the blood of Jesus. Each point - one yellow, one brown, one white, one black, and one red represented each of the global races.
- My Place To Serve
- Serving Those Who Serve
- Alaska Transformations Trip
- Annual DC Prayer Journey - NE Region
- Mid-Atlantic Region DC Trip
- Parts of the puzzle
- She LOVES to Start New Lighthouses
- Pockets of Joy
- LifeChangers – Pulling Us Upward
- Warm Hats to Warm Hearts
- Whom the Son Sets Free
- A “God Plan” Day