The latest news from Aglow International |
Global News
For the latest Aglow News, Leadership Development materials, and postings visit the New on the Web module in the middle of the Aglow Home page.
Growth is a Choice
US - Even having been a Christian for over 50 years I loved the Lord, studied His Word, attended worship, yet I was discontent. After a study of GameChangers and rereading it many times, the negativity at the forefront of my thinking began to rise up in my mind’s eye as sludge rises from the sewer. Read more >>
I Am Not Alone
Middle East - A woman who lives in a Middle Eastern country recently sent in a testimony of her experience. She writes, "My husband locks the TV set in a closet, so I can only watch TV when he is at home. He gave another family member a key, and while watching TV together we came across the Diwaniya shows..." Read more >>
As we navigate through our lives, the boat can appear to be rocking in a tumultuous sea causing us to feel shaken. Aglow CEO and President Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us to keep our eyes on Jesus during times like these. When we do, He provides new opportunities to learn in a deeper way what trust really means. Trust in the Lord.
Subscribe to the Aglow YouTube channel.
Aglow Generations
Janae Lovern Director Conference Operations/Generations
Big changes are coming to Aglow Generations! I am working diligently to reignite Aglow Generations (formally called Generations Project). The Holy Spirit is leading us in a new direction and with a new vision and purpose! Soon we will have a revised Aglow Generations website, new Aglow Generations Leadership Handbooks & Forms, and other exciting changes and announcements! Be sure to check out (and follow) Aglow Generations’ new podcast now available on most podcast platforms by searching for “The Aglow Generations Podcast,” and also on Aglow International’s YouTube channel!
Be sure to also like and follow Aglow Generations' social pages! You can search for “Aglow Generations” on Facebook and Instagram!
The podcast and social media pages are not for specific generations but for Aglow women and men of all ages and all generations.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Making A Difference

A Stewardship Imperative
“Then Jesus said, ‘All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’” Matt. 28:18-20 (NIV)
Our discovery this month is not a happy one. This is election season. Political signs sprout like dandelions along the roadside. Television ads, news, phone calls, and mail are hard to ignore. We can get disgusted with “lying politicians” and tune the whole process out.
However, Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations. Votes and voters determine whether or not we are allowed to carry out The Great Commission.
In the U. S., elections determine how our nation is governed, but many Christians are not involved in the process. Champion the Vote ( suggests that out of the approximately 60 million Christians in the U.S., only 30 million vote in any given election or are even registered to vote. My Faith Votes ( emphasizes that an estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote still fail to vote in presidential elections. Pro-family groups ( say the number may be as high as 40 million eligible Christians who do not vote during the presidential election cycles.
Exercise your right to vote. Voting is a stewardship imperative. It is crucial to influencing issues of faith, family, and freedom. Make a Difference this election season! VOTE! Vote for candidates who stand for and have a voting record that supports Biblical values.
- A candidate who supports Biblical values supports Israel’s right to the land God gave them and does not push for a two-state option.
- A candidate who supports Biblical values supports the right to life for all babies in the womb.
- A candidate who supports Biblical values supports marriage being between one man and one woman.
A Message from the International Field Office
God Only Knows
When I go out to greet our Aglow leaders, I sometimes share a tidbit of my personal story and journey with Jesus. One that I often share is that I am a “heart” person. This means I communicate from my heart, and hopefully, what is in God’s heart. So, this is my heart message this month.
God only knows what each of us has been through. God only knows the thousands upon thousands of people who are lost and don’t know Him. God only knows what the lost have been through. In fact, He knows exactly why they don’t believe in Him.
There is a song by the group “For King & Country” called God Only Knows. It’s a message to the lost, the prodigals, and even His sons and daughters who struggle. Yes, we all have struggles, don’t we? Things that you keep to yourself. God only knows the real you. He knows the shame, the loneliness, being misunderstood, and the deep hurt that He longs to heal in all of us. We each have our story and testimony. He sees us even when we think no one else does. He sees the lost souls. He will never leave us; as long as a person has breath, God will never leave those who don’t know Him.
This year, a year of open doors, open gates, and a green light flashing—GO! Go outside into the World this year, preach the gospel, share your personal God story, and even in the midst of your struggles, God will use it for His Glory. God Only Knows!
We, as leaders around the World, can start new. The lost can start new. Seek His face, and we can start over, start new.
Let’s continue going through the open doors of opportunity to share the Good News! To carry His Presence to the World!
It’s a new day! With love, Christie
2024 US Aglow Conference

Can you believe that Conference Registration opens in less than a month? We can’t wait to see you all in Dallas this November to worship, pray, fellowship, and learn together at our “A New Day” US National Conference!
Starting April 1st register for our Aglow Conference and book your hotel rooms at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. Be sure to visit Aglow Conference website to learn more!
As a reminder, please do NOT book your hotel rooms prior to April 1st, and be sure to use our housing link (or group code by phone) in order to receive our special Aglow rate. Booking within our Housing Block helps keep our future conference hotel rates as low as possible for our attendees. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call our office at 425-775-7282.
Donations Acknowledgements Change
A change is happening with how we acknowledge your generous donations! Soon, in the next few months, we will no longer be mailing acknowledgements.
All donations will be acknowledged by email, as long as we have a valid email address for you.
Household of God / Army of God
In Graham Cooke’s 2015 Global Leader’s Summit message on Wednesday evening, he said that when doing the work of the Kingdom, we are both the Household of God and a Disciplined Army. Here are a few contrasts of the two:
The point to remember is that as a team, a group, as Aglow, we are both the Household of God and His Army. To advance the purposes of Aglow, we must consider the types of leaders who can be both and understand when to be caring, loving, and supporting those around them and when it is time to shift gears to take new territory or perhaps old territory where Aglow groups have been.
Household of God
- Caring, loving, and supporting people
- Chooses whoever is available to lead
- Builds a relational community of friends who explore the nature of God together
- More casual than intentional
- Relationships are more important than objectives
- Talks around things without arriving at decisions that move the group forward
Army of God
- Fight to overcome and take territory
- Appoints specific people to achieve certain objectives
- Develops a warrior mentality and a successful approach to warfare
- Empowers people to endure hardness
- Leaders must be under authority and in alignment with primary objects of the ministry
- Needs leaders who can receive ‘orders’, direction, and get the objective accomplished
Graham shared a time when he was working with a specific group and was assigned a task to develop leaders. These are the questions he asked himself as he looked at people:
- Could this person advance the work, or would they just maintain the status quo?
- Was this person receptive to new things or too engaged with business as usual?
- Are they a self-starter or require constant input, inspiration, and encouragement?
- Is this person a thinker or a talker?
- Do they have ideas of their own, or just open to advice?
Graham went on to say, that this concept is a paradox. A paradox is two apparently opposing ideas contained in the same truth. In Aglow, we must be both the Household of God – a family, and His Army. It is up to us to determine when we are to be each one. We need the family and we need the army. Graham said, “The key issue in the paradox is what takes precedence. Precedence is determined by the needs of the moment or the needs of the group.”
Knowing that God has placed Aglow groups in towns, villages, and cities around the world, we will need to take territory – start new groups – keep territory taken – and love the people while growing them into those who can care for others while reaching their objectives. For a link to this message click here.
The Aglow Store

Starting now through the month of March, save 35% on select products. Take advantage of this sale to stock up on supplies just in time for retreat season - brochures, cards, bookmarks, totes, pens, and more! The sale ends Easter Sunday, March 31, at 11:59 pm.
God is... Cards
Partner with God’s Word and proclaim out loud these eternal promises and provisions.
$10 $6.50 |
Aglow Metallic Pens
Metallic gel pens* in beautiful and exciting colors!*All pens write in black gel ink.
$2 each $1.30 |
Freedom from Darkness Brochure
A new Tools for the Harvest brochure You Can Live Free from the Influence of Darkness
$12 each $7.80

Did you know that there is a wealth of resources on Check out the New on the Web module on the Home page to see when new content has been posted.
Here are just some of the resources available:
....and much, much more! Click around and find the resource you need today!
Global Partnership and A-Company
Global Partnership connects all nations in the global family of Aglow taking a giant step to acknowledge their commitment to the foundational truths that God has given Aglow. It is an exciting day!
Sign Up | Renew
Individuals groups, churches, and businesses around the world can now join A-Company for a monthly gift of $10 or more. Giving monthly will cause an increase that will create a whole new financial dynamic in this ministry.
Sign Up | Increase Giving
Between today and March 31, 2024, we are looking for 1,000 people to become A-Company partners. Sign up today and help us reach our goal! |
© 2024 Aglow International
123 - 2nd Ave. So., Suite 100 Edmonds, WA 98020-1749 USA Phone: 425.775.7282
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