We are at a momentous yet sobering time in history. From my vantage point in AGLOW I see alignment on many issues, both in heaven and on earth, most particularly about our great friend, Israel.
I first want to announce a timely and important alignment on behalf of Israel: the founding of American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI). Sandy Wezowicz, our Israel Education Director and I are privileged to be among the founding members representing 15 Christian organizations. AGLOW is partnering with National Religious Broadcasters, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, The Christian Broadcasting Network and Family Research Council to name a few.
Our mission is to speak to the American public in a unified voice of truth on behalf of tens of millions of American Christians that we collectively represent. Our message: support Israel and the Jewish people, not only in prayer but in practical efforts.
For example, in March a letter drafted by ACLI and signed by 100 ministry, church and business leaders was sent to President Obama and the leaders of both the House and Senate expressing concerns about negotiations with Iran and asking them to stand with Israel.
AGLOW, ACLI, and the entire American pro-Israel community now have the privilege and responsibility to reach out to the most powerful elected body in the world, our United States Congress, asking them to oppose this dangerous Iran deal. AGLOW’s call at this urgent moment in history is an Esther call. Just as God empowered Moses and Esther to speak to their ancient leaders, I’m now calling on the men and women of Aglow to follow our biblical role models and talk to our modern leaders.
God has given us a voice to speak into situations, governments, and nations. After one of our conference calls with 800 global participants, I described our voices as a shofar trumpeting decrees from Heaven that would rewrite and reverse evil decrees, hidden agreements, and agendas that have been made with Iran and the anti-Christ spirit. In the next four weeks, NOW is the time for us to corporately release our voice into our government on behalf of our nation, Israel and the nations of the world.
Our prayers and actions must focus on our 535 members of the United States Congress! In the past, both Democrats and Republicans have frequently united to stand with Israel. UNITED is a key word at this historic time and we cannot remain silent since Congress will make the most important foreign policy decision in a generation during their current 60 day review period. Their vote will occur in the first two weeks of September.
Here are actions I encourage you to take in the next four weeks “for such a time as this” based on Esther 4:14:
- Use your voice immediately by calling your Member of Congress asking them to oppose the Iran agreement. Hundreds of calls are needed. Maintain the character of our Christian faith by speaking respectfully no matter what party your elected official represents. Ask your churches and friends to do the same. Remember Proverbs 25:11: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” When you call, picture in your own mind Moses standing before the Pharaoh and Esther having dinner with her king. They had a speech. Here is a suggested speech for you:
“I’m a constituent. I’m calling my Senator/House Member to express my serious concern about the Iran agreement. I’m respectfully asking my elected official to oppose this deal. This deal does not block Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. War is not the alternative. The alternative is to get a GOOD deal with Iran by following historic precedent during Democrat and Republican administrations where re-negotiating a bad deal led to a good deal. Thank you.”
Here is the Capitol Switchboard number: (202) 224-3121 or to ensure that you locate your Members of Congress click here for your House member and here for Senators.
- If you learn that your Member of Congress -- Democrat or Republican -- will oppose this dangerous agreement, please ask them to make a public statement to that effect.
- Log on to your elected officials’ web pages to see if they are holding Town Halls in your district. Attend and invite your Christian friends and again, in a respectful way, make your concerns known and ask them to oppose the current bad deal.
Blessings and love,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International