Watch this short video from Laurie Lischke,
Director of Donor Relations.Recently, Laurie Lischke and I wrote to you about our annual campaign to participate in A-Company. Read the full letter. This is about more than a sustained giving program, this is about fulfilling the word Dutch Sheets gave us at our 2018 U.S. National Conference: This is a year of birthing and Aglow has come into a greater anointing to deliver the purposes of God in the earth.
We recently received this email from Bonnie in Wisconsin. She writes:
Thank you, Jane and Laurie! I had a dream a few nights ago in which Jane had a baby. I was asked to tend to the infant while Jane went on with her duties for a short while. Another younger woman was with me and when she held it, she placed it down on the grass and walked off. I picked it up and brought the child safely back to Jane. Aglow, I believe, is this baby. Young or old, we each have a part in carrying and tending this God-given “baby” but in order to do so, we must receive the vision and understand God’s plan for it – actually for us! In becoming a partner and caring for this movement, so precious, we truly are a company of Anointed, Apostolic & Aligned people – a triple A-Co! God has planted in our hearts what she really is – His beloved end-time, life-giving bride-to-be! The Lord planted Aglow in my heart in 1979 and I have never looked back! What we are birthing in our giving and prayers will truly, I believe, propel the Kingdom forward!
It’s Your Time! Obey the Nudge, Plant Now
Because the Lord has said to us that hundreds of thousands of ordinary people will give into the Presence of God in our midst, our goal is to add 500 new A-Company members this year. Since we launched this 2019 campaign, we have had 21 NEW sign-ups and 3 INCREASED monthly gifts.
We invite you to rise in your identity as one called to provide for such a time as this by becoming a part of the vital, financial army of Aglow. Either sign up as a first time member of A-Company OR increase your current amount click here. Ask God if you are to increase, by how much and then obey.
This is the year to see faith on display and I cannot think of a better place to plant your seed than in the fields of Aglow. Follow our progress HERE to watch the number of members grow.
P.S. Click here to read about the exciting NEW "Benefits" available ONLY to those in A-Company.
P.S.S. If you would like to give a one-time gift click here to sustain the work of Aglow. We are grateful that you have chosen to plant your seed in our rich soil.

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International

Laurie Lischke
Director Donor Relations
Aglow International