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FriendsTina Marie Brown, Fairborn Ohio Aglow Lighthouse President, has recently received several calls from people who have found Aglow through the Aglow International website.  

Tina writes, “One of the ladies who called said God kept saying ‘Aglow’ to her in her devotion time, then reminded her that a friend had invited her to some meeting called ‘Aglow’ awhile back.  She Googled ‘Aglow’ and found our website.  After finding a Lighthouse in her area, she called me.  Unfortunately, she called 2 days after our meeting, but God told me she needed help now, and I was not to wait until the next meeting to see her. So I invited her to breakfast that same week. We met as strangers and left as friends.”

“On our way to the car I noticed she was walking slowly.  God gave me a word of knowledge that He wanted to heal her today. I asked her if I could pray for her.  She agreed, and we sat in my car to pray. The power of God filled the atmosphere as I called Heaven to earth proclaiming her healing. She started crying and said, ‘My legs are on fire! I was in so much pain from standing all night at work. Now I don't feel any pain at all, just warmth.’ She then told me that she had a doctor’s appointment later that day to get a stronger pain medication.  Now she would not need it! She was so happy and couldn't believe that God would send her to the internet to find Aglow so she could get healed! Right there in the parking lot God totally healed her.”

“She started attending our Community Outreach Meetings and then came to the Aglow Global Conference in Orlando. She purchase the conference DVD's and invites friends over to watch them.  She has brought 3 friends to our Lighthouse meetings.  In January she, 2 friends and her daughter, did Messianic dancing during our worship time! It was Glorious!  January was the meeting we stood in prayer for Israel.  God asked us to start the year off focusing on what was near and dear to His heart. When I saw her dancing I remembered that only 8 months earlier she could barely walk. But because of Aglow she can freely dance before her God!”

“I just marvel at how He chooses to bring women to us. All we have to do is love them with the love of Jesus!  I was listening to the conference CD's again today about building relationships with God and others. Women tell me all the time that our Aglow ladies are so full of the love of God! Aglow International is known as being a worldwide community of believers who know how to express the unconditional love of Jesus!”