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Karie DensleyRecently, Katie Densley was named Area Leader of the Month in the East Central Washington Area newsletter,The Connection.

Katie is a wife, mother, grandmother, and an artist. She has served in several places in Aglow over the years and has a deep respect and love for the ministry. Katie has been the Prayer Coordinator for the East-Central Area for some time, and has loved hearing from many when she puts out the prayer thrusts for the month.  Katie is also the Prayer Captain for the Israel Network of Prayer for the state of Washington, and tries to be involved with the Israel/Islam conference call every week. For a time she led the monthly Pine Lodge Women’s Prison Ministry at Medical Lake, and was Prayer Coordinator during the conference in Seattle for Aglow International’s fortieth anniversary.

Just recently Katie has been invited back on the Area Team as VP of Lighthouse Development, which she is very excited about. Her heart is for the lost, and she knows that if we have a Lighthouse in every town in our area we will be reaching the lost.

Aglow International is a Kingdom Movement committed to seeing God’s will done on earth as it is in Heaven. One of the ways we do this is through mobilizing millions into a company of warriors, champions, and global leaders of significance.