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applesDeb Iliff is on a great journey learning how to live Heaven to earth.  She writes, “Graham Cooke has been teaching us that resources follow the Presence of God that lives in us.  He says, ‘Minister and expect resourcing to be there when you get there.’" 

"Since the registration and flight details of the LifeChangers event had to be paid by the attendee, I faced another opportunity to go up to the next level in my identity.  Cash flow has always been our biggest issue, like a big fat trap.  I put the plane tickets on our credit card and reminded God that we are trying to pay it off, and that provision for ministry would fall squarely in His lap.”

“I went to Dallas and came home expecting full payment or extra money to pay on the card.  Here is how God worked to bring the provision to us.  I babysit on Sunday afternoons so that young parents can go to a marriage class.  My husband and I were in the pilot class and want others to be able to go as well.  Babysitters for 10 weeks are expensive and not conducive to good attendance, so we offer free babysitting for the course.”

“The day after I got home from Dallas, a couple walked in to get their children and handed me a check.

They said, ‘We trust you to do what is right, this is not payment for babysitting.’”  

“I am used to receiving checks for our non-profits, and this couple is interested in a couple of them.  My assumption was that the money was for them.  I expected $50 or so, smiled, and said, “Thank you.”  After they left, I opened the envelope to discover that the check was for $1,000.  The memo on the check said ‘Ministry Support’.  I prayed and split the money between two ministries.  All the while I was saying, ‘Bless you Lord for resources for these things, they need it so badly.’”

“When we saw them at a fundraiser soon afterwards, we told them what had been done with their money.  They were shocked, said that that money was for us, and that they wished we would have taken a trip or something.  Well, the only trips we take are mixed with ministry for Aglow and our other ministries. I just told God and the couple that God knows what the ministries need, what we need personally, and left it at that.”

“Yesterday was the last session for the marriage class.  The couple walked in and she put a check for $500 in my pocket!  The memo line said ‘Personal Indulgence’.  Not only will it cover the LifeChangers plane ticket that I was willing to pay off in increments, but it will also give me spending money when I go next week to Phoenix with my sister on a plane ticket she bought with air miles.”

“Then today an email came from Jane about God's resourcing and how we need resources more than ever to do what needs to be done.  This just the beginning of resourcing like we have never seen before!”