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NefariousThe Maryland West Aglow Area Team is stirring interest in an area where a Lighthouse is in need of officers.  Recently the team did an outreach to the students at Shepherd College by showing the movie Nefarious

The presentation of the film was co-sponsored by three partnering groups; Change Purse, the newly formed HEAT (Human Exploitation and Trafficking), Task Force in Charles Town, and Aglow International (Charles Town Community Lighthouse).  All three are working together in the region to help fight the exploitation of women and children and educate others on how to take action and make a difference.

After the film, the Area Team sent a letter to all who attended thanking them for coming.  The letter also included contact information for the Area Team, and an invitation to the next Lighthouse meeting to “explore God’s heart for the hurting in our communities and ask for God’s direction in being a Light in the darkness.”

The Vision of Aglow International is to carry the truth of the Kingdom that:

  • Restores people to a radiant place of relationship with God and one another
  • Breaks the tyranny of oppression
  • Brings freedom and empowerment