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Bellingham outreachRecently, the Bellingham Aglow did an outreach to the Agape Home, an emergency shelter and transitional housing center for women and mothers with children.  

Nikki Anderson, Bellingham Aglow Public Relations Vice President writes, The Aglow Gathering at the Agape Home went very well.  A team of 7 Aglow women joined 24 ladies at the Agape Home where we ate good food, laughed a lot, passed out gifts, and heard how nothing is too small to ask Jesus. 

Nancy Boschma, Bellingham Lighthouse President, led a simple yet powerful devotional based on Romans 12:2 and Acts 17:27-28.  Many of us confessed that we often struggle with saving the so-called big things for God, but the little things we think we can handle on our own. We learned that He wants to help us with all of it!

We closed in prayer and invited the women to join us the first Wednesday of the month at the Light of the World Prayer Center to pray.  We also encouraged the women to come to our monthly Aglow gatherings.

A coordinator at the Agape Home shared with Nancy that after the meeting one of the ladies came to her and said that Aglow brought so much fun.  She also expressed how blessed she felt.  That is just what we intended to do!