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In January the Apple Valley, California Aglow Couples GameChangers Group held a celebration event for completion of their processing group.

Glory Bayer, the group’s facilitator writes,

"Each person had an assignment for that night to come with one Word from the Lord for 2018. As individuals shared, other group members received prophetic words for them. People also brought written testimonies of their greatest take-aways from this experience. We ended the night with farewells and blessings to one another for 2018, promising to stay in touch and to come back together for a 6 month reunion.

Being a GameChangers facilitator was a wonderful experience. The Sessions brought unique dynamics between couples that God used in healing. One man who was a Vietnam Vet, had a tormenting memory that had haunted him for 50 years. Going through GameChangers, he finally found the courage to tell his wife in our last session. After sharing the story they made the decision together to get some additional help with a counselor.

Another Vet also opened up to his wife and the group. The men were very transparent especially at the end, as the trust factor grew in our group. Witnessing the loving compassion between couples that arose was beautiful to experience. Our group shared tears and laughter and all emotions in between."

Testimonies from Couples GameChangers

Sarah - This study has helped us to start changing our identity to coincide with God's view of who we are. We have learned we can choose to partner with the Holy Spirit, and that failures and difficult situations are God's tools to cause needed growth. This group showed us it is not shameful to have difficulties, but that many of us are facing similar circumstances and we need to lift each other up.

Dylan The experience with Couples GameChangers was amazing. It has given me a renewal in my walk with God and has greatly impacted my relationships with those around me. It has shown me a new perspective and greatly helped me understand who I really am to God. Knowing that has changed everything in my life.

Bill The greatest blessing I received was a better understanding of adversity, changing my attitude, and strengthening my faith. When we are ready to respond correctly by trusting in Him, He will see us through that adversity and we will benefit from it joyfully as a believer. Removing negative thoughts has opened my eyes and taught me how to live my new life in Christ.

Jacquie – One of the keys that really stood out to me in GameChangers is establishing my Internal Overcomer. I cannot become a new person by changing my behavior. I must discover the person I already am in Christ and behave accordingly.

Grace and Michael Having completed Couples GameChangers has blessed me. It was the perfect timing for me and my husband to be able to attend. Being in a new place in our lives and being able to hear God speak to us in this new journey has indeed made an impact. It has given me a new mindset, and challenged me to embrace the new upgrades I’ve been receiving. Not going back to my old self, rather being empowered by the Holy Spirit, I am able to press past the obstacles. I praise God for allowing these obstacles, because through them He is growing me up.

Susan My takeaway from GameChangers is the sweet recognition of who I am in Christ and what He thinks of me, using God's Word always to cope with difficult family relationships. As an unmarried couple attending GameChangers we have learned to use the fruit of the Spirit to help us understand, communicate, receive joy, exercise patience, rest in the Lord and love one another according to God's will.

Loren  Doing GameChangers as Couples is so much more enlightening because of the exchange and feedback of the partners. It also opened us up to share and deal with personal issues. I received confirmation of previous plans infused by the Holy Spirit, and also received an increase of favor in all areas of life.

Learn more about GameChangers here. Continue the journey with GameChanging Truths for Fireside Chats.

Materials are available in English and Spanish through the Aglow Store or by calling 425-775-7282 ext. 205.