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Fragrance of His Glory

The European English Aglow held its annual open conference in Westbelbeers, The Netherlands, from March 22nd to 24th. Their theme was - Fragrance of His Glory.

“For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. (2 Cor. 2:15)

It was an excellent conference, and the place was packed! We had 103 men and women attending. They travelled from The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, UK, and Spain.  They are Chapter members and friends of Aglow. 

Fran Hallgren from the U.S. gave a teaching on the Presence of God and the fragrance of Christ. Worship, workshops and testimonies; God moved amongst the women, encouraging them to press on. He has much more in store for the groups in European English Aglow.

The testimony time on Sunday morning was awesome as they all reflected Isaiah 62: 1-4 Beauty for ashes. All praise and honor to Christ Jesus.

During the conference, they wanted to bless the Aglow Armenia team and their families. A second offering was taken and everyone was so generous raising €1814.00 specifically for Aglow Armenia.

European English Aglow is growing! A new group recently started in Leman, Switzerland, with English-speaking people from many nations. Congratulations to this new Aglow group!

We give all the Glory to God for continuing to gather new men and women who are hungry to know Him in our Aglow Worldwide ministry!

Is Aglow in YOUR nation?  If not, gather a few friends, begin to pray and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and she will connect you with someone who can help you.