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Aglow Germany - Staying in touch amidst Social Distancing

We recently received a letter from our Aglow National Board members in Germany. They, like us all, have been deeply affected by today’s important self-quarantining measures and social distancing. We all must carefully follow the cautions and restrictions of our local and national governments, all aimed at our safety and at finding an end to this COVID-19 virus pandemic.

Amidst all the restrictions and quarantines, the National Board members for Aglow Germany have found creative ways to stay in contact with their Aglow family and to encourage them.

The National President for Aglow Germany, Andrea John, writes:

During the last week we (the Aglow Germany National Board) have collected a lot of ideas, had Zoom-conferences and set up conference calls for our local groups. At our last board meeting, we filmed a sequence from Zoom and used it to send personal greetings to all our leaders in our WhatsApp chat. It was so encouraging for them all, the feedback was great.

At the moment we print postcards for all our members and also for all the Aglow-guests we have in our nationwide mailing lists. It is our heart's desire to not leave people alone right now, but to be there for them. They seek help, protection and answers to their burning questions - and we know where real help is: with our Almighty Creator. 

Andrea closed her letter by saying, “Let me encourage you: God is always in control, and we strongly rely on Him to have a plan for Aglow in all nations even in this situation. Be richly blessed and stay healthy.