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Judith Luna

Meet beautiful Judith Luna. She is a Spirit-filled Christian who moved from Mexico to Wendover, Utah eight years ago and is an elementary school teacher.

Last month the Wendover Aglow was invited to Nevada State Aglow's annual gathering with guest speaker, Kathy Sanders. Wendover is a border town sharing half with Utah and half with Nevada. Three from Wendover decided to go, also inviting our Utah Area President, Marilyn Thiessens, so four altogether, traveling and sharing a room.

A couple days before the trip, one in the group had to cancel, so she asked Judith Luna from her church if she would like to go in her place. Judith, jumped at the chance. That was quite the jump, seeing how she had never met any of us, nor had she ever been to an Aglow function!

The group had a wonderful time on the long drive there and back, as they shared meals, enjoyed being together, and getting to know one another.

At the gathering, Judith never went up for prayer, but she did receive every drop of ministry that weekend. On the last day of the gathering at testimony time she got up and shared that she knew God was among us, especially in the healing of her eyes. He healed her eyes that weekend from constant watering and dripping drops all the time. She had battled that for a year. Her doctor prescribed medicine, but nothing helped. In fact, the next week she would be consulting a surgeon.

But God! Praise and Glory to His Name!

On the long ride home Judith said that she wanted to open her heart and share what was going on in her marriage - even trying to decide now about divorce. Her heart was so broken.

Again, but God!

Her new friends held her and ministered God's love and healing power, praying for her husband and the marriage.

A few weeks later at the Wendover Aglow Lighthouse Meeting, Judith shared her testimony of the healing of her eyes, and adds to that how she now has hope for her marriage as her husband has had a big change of heart!

All praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, His Goodness and His Love.