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Colorado Aglow Paints the Borders

All over the world Aglow women and men are 'painting the borders' of their states and nations to secure and align with the plans of Heaven for a worldwide harvest, the uprooting of evil strongholds, the reset back to God's original intentions for us, and the coming return of Jesus.

Beverly Gadbois, Colorado State Prayer Coordinator, shared that the Central Southern Colorado Area Team, along with eight other Lighthouse members, gathered together to paint the borders of their state. As they gathered, they also prayed for the nation and all suffering from attacks of sickness. 

Two large Colorado maps were placed on the floor with bottles of oil nearby. All those present gathered around the maps to anoint borders and cities as they made declarations calling the state and the inhabitants into alignment with God's plans. Prayers rose to Heaven from Earth declaring that the state of Colorado was set free, changed, and set on fire for Jesus.

Beverly said, "Upon finishing, the maps were well-oiled as was our state."

As the Body of Christ has stepped up in the authority given by Christ, atmospheres are shifting over cities, states, and nations. Evil is being exposed and righteousness is being restored. Do not fear the shaking. Stay hidden in Christ with God. We can do this!