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The following courses are available through the Aglow Institute of Ministry.

The tuition for each course is $95.00.  "Audit Only" tuition is available for $65.00 per course.

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Certificate of Aglow Ministry Mandates

{slider AIMMM101: Male and Female: Dominion and the Kingdom – Jane Hansen Hoyt|2014slider|closed}This unique class is designed to awaken men and women to God’s original intent, defined in Genesis 1-3, for male and female to have dominion on the earth and bring forth His Kingdom together. The deceiver and his plans are exposed and the healing, restoring, renewing work of God will be experienced as the student is free to take their place in the face-to-face relationship, male and female, that God intended for the church and His Kingdom. Understanding the vital connection between this foundational relationship and the church coming into the fullness God intended for it are crucial for each believer to take their place in God’s plan.

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{slider AIMMM201: Israel: The Issue of the Age – Sandy Wezowicz|2014slider}This course is designed to give understanding and revelation concerning the historic and prophetic purposes of God for the nation and people that are unique in all the earth: Israel. This study will educate and equip believers by providing a Biblical framework for understanding and accurately communicating relevant issues regarding Israel. Knowing God’s heart for this nation will equip the student to effectively articulate and pray forth His purposes for those whom He calls “the apple of His eye.”

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{slider AIMMM301: Islam: A Foundational Understanding – Diane Moder|2014slider}Islam is a complex system that is meant to encompass the entire society: it is a social, economic, political, educational, judicial and militaristic system cloaked as a religion. The Aglow ministry has been called by God to “expose the system of Islam” as well as pray for and minister to the people bound by the system. This foundational course will give you a basic historical and contemporary understanding of this complex world-wide system as well as reveal God’s heart to reach these descendants of Abraham.

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{slider AIMMM401: Prayer in the Secret Place – Nancy McDaniel|2014slider}Through this course, you will explore the foundation of effective and life-fulfilling prayer as Jesus taught and modeled in Matthew 6. Jesus’ satisfying and successful prayer life came from His time in the secret place with His Father. We, too, can thrive in prayer and receive answers to our prayers just as Jesus did. The relationship for intimate prayer, the strategies for effective prayer, and the power for creative prayer, all result from time spent in the secret place.

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{slider AIMMM501: Transformation Evangelism – Janet Mangum|2014slider}Transformation and Evangelism go hand-in-hand. We are transformed by evangelism and evangelism, as we once knew it, is being transformed in its outward expressions throughout the world today. God is showing us creative new ways to bring His love and presence into people’s lives. In this course, you will gain a greater level of confidence in developing your faith, a greater measure of effectiveness in speaking into your world, and a greater joy in being God’s ambassador for transforming evangelism.

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Certificate of Personal Leadership Development

{slider AIMPLD101: Leadership Principles – Jane Hansen Hoyt|2014slider|closed}This course is based on messages presented by Jane Hansen Hoyt, President/CEO of Aglow International, at an Aglow Leaders Summit in Seattle, WA. Jane is a recognized leader in the body of Christ and has a wealth of experience leading the largest international women's organization touching lives in over 170 nations of the world. You will receive biblical principles of leadership as well as practical applications related to working with a team, presiding at a meeting, and other leadership scenarios, particularly in the Aglow context. An excellent course for every Aglow leader, whether experienced or new to leadership.

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{slider AIMPLD201: True Identity – Diane Fink|2014slider}This class is designed to enable the student to grasp the reality of their own unique, God–given identity so as to embrace the purpose and destiny God purposes for them. The way we perceive ourselves affects every area of our life -- relationship with God, with others, how we minister, the way we develop as a leader. Every area of our life is impacted by our perception of who we are (identity) and why we are here (destiny and calling in God).  In True Identity, the dynamics that distort personal identity from what God intended are exposed and the healing, restoring work of God’s truth are revealed.

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{slider AIMPLD401: Spiritual Authority and the Key of Suffering  – Jane Hansen Hoyt|2014slider}This course is designed to impart knowledge and spiritual understanding of the difficult subject of suffering in the Christian’s life.  The student will gain insight through the Word on a topic that has been taught from diversely different ends of the spectrum and will gain a balanced perspective from which to apply truth when they encounter suffering in their own lives or the lives of others.

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{slider AIMPT275:  The New Sound: Revelation and Application - Ray Hughes|2014slider}As the title suggests, this course brings revelation concerning the sound of heaven being released in this hour, as well as application of the biblical truths communicated. Ray Hughes is an international speaker, author, storyteller, singer/songwriter, musicologist, and as a prophetic historian, he re-digs the wells of biblical, world, and recent history for the purpose of releasing the fresh word of God for the kingdom today.

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