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nepalThe eyes of the world are on the nation of Nepal since the devastating earthquake of last Saturday, April 25.  Thousands have lost their lives, thousands more have been injured, and scores of villages outside Kathmandu have not yet been reached by aid workers. Aglow men and women around the world are praying for the people of Nepal and especially for our Aglow family there.

Just today, April 29, we have spoken by cell phone with our leader for Aglow Nepal, Grace Khaling, who reports that she is alright although her home is full of cracks and unsafe to live in. She is staying with her son. Grace said she is slowly coming in contact with the other Aglow leaders. As far as she knows, all in the Aglow family are safe. 

Most of the people are suffering from the trauma of the catastrophic event and struggling to cope.  Grace stated “It is something you think will never happen in your nation” and says she now understands the reality of such a catastrophic event and the impact it makes on your life.  She is making plans to go to the Aglow Candlelight groups in the coming days to minister to the women and find out how they are doing.  She will send an email with more news as soon as she can.

We assured her that the Global family of Aglow is praying for them.  She expressed her gratitude and took great comfort in knowing this. We ask you to continue to pray for the people of this nation who are suffering devastating loss.

From Israel, Jane Hansen Hoyt made this statement, “Volcanos erupting, a devastating earthquake in Nepal, trouble in the city of Baltimore, ongoing unrest in the Middle East and the list not only goes on, but is growing in strength and fury.  There is a ripening of evil taking place before our eyes.  At the same time, there is a strengthening and maturing of God’s people running parallel to all that the enemy is stirring up.  We are living in a prophetic time that is all contained in God.  Don’t let the enemy set or change your agenda.  The Lord is in His Holy Temple.  Let all the earth keep silent before Him.”