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We Willingly Rise

As you know, the difficult decision was made to cancel this year’s Aglow U.S. National Conference. Jane Hansen Hoyt, our President and CEO, and the Aglow International Leadership Team from Headquarters spent much time in prayer, seeking the Lord’s wisdom, plans, and purposes. We, the U.S. National Leadership Team, are in full agreement with this decision.

Dynamic Opportunities

In Jerusalem at the Global Conference in September 2019, Asher Intrater exhorted Aglow to “come up here” and “Come Up Here” subsequently became the theme of our U.S. National Conference. Although we will not be meeting together in North Carolina this year, let us step into that invitation to “Come Up Here.”

Our national conferences always open dynamic opportunities to partner with the Holy Spirit in giving. Who could forget the closing session of our 2018 National Conference in Spokane when people spontaneously marched forward and placed offerings on the stage? It was a massive outpouring that piled up and still, people continued to come, some marching forward with new gifts multiple times.

We Willingly Rise

Jane has said, “We willingly rise higher…even into the unknown…to walk more fully in the way of this new era.” We believe that part of rising higher and walking more fully in the way of the new era is in our giving. We can’t be together in a conference setting this year, but we can still give our offerings.

Your U.S. National Team has agreed that we will each give an offering into Aglow that will be at least what we would have given this year at Conference.

We invite you to do the same.

Join us and send in the offering you would have given at Conference, either in person or through your participation by webcast.

Two Ways to Give

  1. Online: Go to this page, USNLT-2020, to use our secure online donation form. Your gift will be acknowledged immediately by email, and a printed receipt will be mailed to you. 
  2. Mail: Return your check to Aglow International, P.O. Box 1749, Edmonds, WA 98020. Make your checks payable to Aglow International and note “USNLT-2020” on the memo line.

We are so thankful that we all stand shoulder to shoulder.

give now button rise higher

We love you,

USNLT signatures

U.S. National Team
Aglow International