Motorcycle Rally Outreach

Sherry Anderson, Aglow Florida State Leader, and five local members of the Panama City Community Lighthouse partnered to have their second outreach into the motorcycle community. Twice a year Thunder Beach holds a rally. This spring it was estimated that 20,000 people converged on Panama City Beach! 

This is how it all happened:

  • We know that prayer is the key to success, so that is where we started.

This prayer strategy went by email to intercessors covering the event:

  • We pray for the Lord to draw those who need prayer & ministry.
  • We pray their heart will be open to the Holy Spirit.
  • We cut off assignments of the enemy to send the wrong people in.
  • We ask for discernment and wisdom as people draw near.
  • We pray for courage for those who need ministry to ask for it. 
  • We pray for a hedge of protection around all those will minister in the tent.
  • We pray against any tactic of the enemy to sabotage what we are doing.
  • We break every assignment to harass and hinder those who are involved in this project: intercessors, and workers. 
  • We declare there will be no retaliation against us or anything that belongs to us!

Our marquee at the Rally offered prayer. It said:

  • What do your tattoos say about you? Free prophetic interpretation.
  • Disturbed by a dream? We can help you understand the meaning.
  • Need healing? We can pray and agree with you.

We depended on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to minister and there was much fruit! It is evident that the revival we have been praying for has begun!

Afterwards, we sent out this praise report to all those who prayed and participated. 

 “To sum up what happened Thursday through Sunday:

I, (Sherry) personally, was affected by how the Lord specifically answered every prayer! He drew people into the tent that were handpicked by Him! And oh my, what He accomplished! I am amazed, stunned, surprised, and astonished! God is faithful! Thank you for praying!”

We are grateful for the opportunity we had and look forward to more creative ways to reach people!