Yuma Lighthouse Reaches Out

Cheryl Newbanks, VP of Ministry Development and Resources on the Colorado North Area Team shared a powerful report from the Yuma, Colorado Lighthouse. 

“The Yuma Yuma CO Lighthouse meets in my home and we start with a carry-in blessing meal and fellowship time. Our prayer has been that the Lord would send people to our meeting who need Jesus as their Savior.

On the afternoon of our Lighthouse meeting, Cheryl said, “I had an unscheduled visit from the young man who washes my windows on the outside. He shared that several clients had fired him because of political views opposing his own. He asked me if I would be willing to share some of his business cards with new prospects and I assured him I would. Then, I told him about the gathering that would be in my home that evening.”

“As he began to ask questions, I invited him to come and to bring his family, telling him that we would pray for him.”

“At precisely 6 pm, he, his lovely wife and three young sons arrived at my door bringing a salad to add to the meal.”

“After we ate, we gathered around the piano and sang a few praise songs and Scriptures that had encouraged us as Aglow leaders. We told our stories about how we came to know Jesus as Savior.”

“After listening to us, my young window washer said, ‘I am still seeking Him.’ His wife added that they had been attending church for a couple of years.”

Another first time guest, a young man who is being mentored by our Advisor, shared a powerful and gripping testimony of his life of abandonment, neglect, and foster homes. Then he spoke of finding Jesus and being totally healed of alcohol addiction and grand mal seizures. By this time, the air was full of God’s Divine power!

Cheryl said, “I asked the young couple if they had ever prayed to ask Jesus to come into their hearts and they answered, ‘No.’ I asked them if they would like to do that now and they both answered, ‘Yes!’

As we gathered around them, our advisor led them and their 8 year old son in prayer to receive Christ. 

Wanting to take them to the next step, I asked them if they would be like to be filled with the Holy Spirit as they had heard talked about earlier and they were!

Not only were they filled with the Holy Spirit, so was the young man who had given the powerful testimony earlier!

The next Sunday, I invited the young family to lunch at a local restaurant. In our conversation, they shared about the need for healing. Currently we are standing with them and declaring I Peter 2:24.

Cheryl said, “We are trusting God to bring in more young families who need Christ, the Baptism of the Spirit, or healing.”

The Yuma Lighthouse has been a source of encouragement and a place for growth for 36 years. Because Aglow Lighthouses are a gift of God to each community, we declare that the Yuma Lighthouse will continue to bring God’s Light into the darkness resulting in a great revival across America! 

Acts 17:26 says And He has made made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.

This means that God has placed you in the right nation, in the right state/province, the right town, right down to the right street where you live. It is your mission field. You are the Light that shines in the darkness. You are the God-salt that brings Heaven’s flavor to earth. 

One of our prophetic words given to Aglow is that there will be a Lighthouse in every town in every nation of the world. Sounds impossible? Nothing is impossible with God. 

We want to challenge you. If there is no Aglow group in YOUR town, consider that He has placed you there as a seed to start an Aglow group. Contact Headquarters and we will connect you with someone who will guide you through the process. We’ve been waiting for you!