Young people around the world have been impacted by GameChangers. Aglow leaders in Canada and Britain have led GameChangers processing groups with young adults, and now they are starting to lead processing groups for their peers. Each young person testifies to the life-changing results of understanding your identity in Christ.


Heather from Britain - The teachings have helped me in many different situations. To know who you are in Christ, and to use all the GameChangers tools, makes your life turn out so different. I have two boys on the autism and ADHD spectrum. It’s so fun to see how God sees them, and to speak that into their lives. I have been learning how to communicate with the people and leaders in my kids’ schools. One staff member said of me, “Parents can apologize for their kids, but she speaks love, value and blessing over her kids’ futures.” I have even passed the GameChangers principles along when reaching out to someone with suicidal thoughts. I encourage others to share the freedom we have in GameChangers with others, and to love young people without judgement, so they will not shut themselves off and lock up. We must demonstrate love. Yes, there are consequences for our actions, but we are loved.

Charlotte from Britain - An Aglow member prayed for a long time for her daughter to come to an Aglow meeting. I was the speaker one evening and I prayed beforehand that I could encourage young people to be on fire for Jesus. And this particular evening the woman’s daughter showed up. I shared some from Graham’s teachings about knowing who you are, and not being what society wants you to be. You have to know who you are in Jesus. This young woman said everything spoken that night was like her life’s story. God was speaking to her, and she started coming to every meeting. Months later she shared her powerful testimony of transformation.

Ema from Britain - I wrote a declaration over my life which said, “I am the daughter of the almighty God, and I never stop being a princess. I am never the victim.” I’ve been a victim all my life, and what Graham’s teaching taught me was how to stop being one. You stop being a victim when you realize your identity. Graham took this teaching and put it into real life. I make hard decisions at work, so I stop in my day and ask the Father what He wants me to do, what does this mean? I am learning what abiding is. I had never really understood that word, thinking it meant to stay in one place. It’s so much more. It’s about getting God involved in your day and stopping to ask Him before moving forward, letting the Father be involved in the day. I share Graham’s teaching a lot online because young people want an identity. Graham’s teaching helps us really understand our identity in God, and that’s where I move from.

Daniel from Britain - At Britain’s 2015 Conference, Dave and Nancy brought Graham’s teaching about persona. God was doing a number on me and I had lots of God incidents. Okay, I get it, I get who you say that I am. Believe it, and live it. I love Graham’s teachings, I listen to Him and walk the process. Graham isn’t just giving you a word, but an encounter. It’s not about just learning things, it’s about experiencing God changing my life.

Naomi from Canada - I have a heart for the indigenous people of the native community in my city. The GameChangers Identity message really spoke to me. God spoke a word over me when I was in a low place, and felt the word ‘loser’ over myself. God changed that word to ‘Loved’, and then put ‘Beloved’ over that. Through GameChangers I know this is the identity I need to live out of. I don’t have to live out of any other identity from others or the world, I have to live out the identity He has declared over me. Our generation is so lost in who we are, and I know God speaks a better word over us. Through our group, people will discover what God really says about them, and I think it will change our culture. I pray over cities and the Native Community, and sense it’s about time for things to change. I feel a fresh faith to believe, intercede, and contend for the things God has promised for indigenous people and my city, Winnipeg. The Lord has something more.

Natasha from Canada - The Identity message resonated with me. For most of my life, I struggled with my identity and didn’t like myself very much. I didn’t have a very good understanding of God’s love. When I looked at myself all I could see were the things I didn’t like, all the faults and imperfections, and I didn’t see a lot of good in myself. My understanding of God’s love was that God loved me anyway, in spite of who I was. I knew that was an incorrect understanding, but that is just the way I felt. I really began to seek God for a better understanding of His love. He spoke to me really powerfully through the story of Gideon. God sees us so differently than we see ourselves, He sees outside of time, He sees the whole picture. This was a life transforming message for me. I work as a social worker with the native community, so GameChangers fellowship, and to be with people that want to learn and grow and be like-minded was so great! I had been feeling isolated.

Wes from Canada - I started GameChangers right before a big surgery. God was telling me and my wife that it would be a new chapter. Focusing on Identity was a huge factor in knowing we could handle whatever outcome came from the surgery. I’m In the process of reading the GameChangers manual a third time, and every time I find stuff that is so incredibly new to me. Through the GameChangers Identity teaching, I started my own business and had the confidence to do that. There were attacks on the business, and I went from really confident, to not at all, to about to quit. I was encouraged to go back and read what I had written down about my dream and vision for the business, about my identity through GameChangers, what I believed God for, and what He sees us to be. It gave me the hope to keep going, and we had the most amazing year. We had a great first year of business, and being new to the community that could only be God.