2017 4 4 phoneAnne Thomas, Game/LifeChangers group facilitator, recently wrote to the Headquarters office requesting prayer for a church which hosts a GameChangers group. The church had an extensive water leak causing a great deal of damage.

Anne writes:

Of all the GameChangers and LifeChangers groups I have facilitated since being in Dallas, this group is one of the most enthusiastic, responsive, excited and committed I have seen. The pastor (also an Aglow Advisor) had just told me days ago about how GameChangers is impacting their entire church.

When the pastor called to tell me about the water damage I was in a store. We talked for about fifteen minutes with me standing in a store aisle thinking there was no one around. When we finished the call, a young woman from another aisle who must have overheard, came around to me, and with teary eyes said how much she appreciated overhearing that conversation. She actually thanked me for overhearing it.

As we talked, she told me she had heard about Aglow once, and was very interested. I gave her information about our upcoming Global Conference as well as the local Lighthouses. She grabbed my hand and prayed a powerful prayer for the pastor and the situation. In the midst of the chaos, the blessings have already begun.

Right in the midst of chaos God is able to work good. So many people think that they are not leaders, yet they hear our conversations every day as we walk through life. We are leading through our faith that is lived out loud.

Two words that Jane Hansen Hoyt has received for this year are BOLD and COURAGEOUS. Let those 2 words be seeds that are deposited into your very spirit that begin to grow in outward, visible signs of boldness and courage.