Aglow is alive and vibrant in Guatemala

In a recent letter received from Cony de Morales, Aglow Guatemala National President, she gave an encouraging picture of Aglow events in her nation throughout these times of COVID concerns.

Cony wrote that the Aglow family in Guatemala always depend on God. She said they have had many health needs of various kinds and they are constantly united in prayer via various forms of social media. This unity in prayer continues to bring life and healing to this nation!

They hold regular virtual meetings of the Aglow National Board and also with Aglow leaders throughout the nation. On January 21 they held their first Leadership Training meeting of the year via Zoom. The theme was, “You are still assigned for this time.”

In February 2021 they will continue with the virtual events that were of great spiritual success and power throughout 2020.

How truly wonderful and delightful
to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!
For from this realm of sweet harmony
God will release His eternal blessing,
the promise of life forever!

Psalm 133:1, 3 The Passion