Aglow Nigeria Couple’s HangoutThe nation of Nigeria suffers from terrorist attacks, and the kidnapping of innocent civilians and 40% of the population lives in poverty. Women suffer more than men, own less land, and have fewer jobs or opportunities for advancement. Everyone is familiar with Boko Haram which often makes headlines for kidnapping school-aged girls.

In the midst of it all, Aglow Nigeria organized a program called Couple’s Hangout to build strong marriage foundations. Nigeria National President, Bisi Adeluyi introduced the new program and then invited National Advisor Bishop Ajulo to declare that the time for the program was open!

Not only was the time instructional and informational, but a dance competition was also held.

The Aglow National Secretary, Assoc Prof Mrs. Larai Keswet moderated the event. Topics discussed included: Communications in Marriage, Charging the Men, How to Recognize and Avoid Depression in Marriages, and a short session on the importance of physical exercise. For fun, seven couples were randomly selected to compete in a dance competition. The audience gave a voice vote followed by the awarding of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize packages.

Creating this time to experience the Presence of God draws us away from the realities of life in Nigeria. The National Board served lunch to all who attended. A special time of violin music played by the youth was enjoyed by all in attendance.

Aglow Nigeria was blessed to have this event covered by the Nigerian Television Authority who also conducted interviews.

Join us in praying for the salvation of Boko Haram, that they would turn from evil and become promoters of good. Nothing is impossible with God!