(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6)
As Helen Joy Dupree, the State Prayer Coordinator for Pennsylvania, works with children ages 3-12 in the Zip Code Club, she admits that her favorite time is the midweek fifteen-minute prayer call. “Most of the club members come on the phone by themselves and some with their parents and we all pray together what they are praying separately. It is a joy to impart Jesus into the lives of the kids across my state.”
As the Zip Code Club grows, it is also evolving as they go.
After a child prays for each zip code in their county, they receive a certificate in the mail praising their accomplishments. There are several who are in their 2nd and 3rd counties, praying over the zip codes in each one.
As they reach the next level, God has inspired a book series to go along with the Zip Code Club that is to be used as an incentive for the kids. Helen Joy says, “He is the Author and I am certain that as we follow His lead, He will bring these babes right into the fold of Aglow.”
After a child reaches their 13th birthday, they are eligible to become a Jr. Zip Code Captain. A Jr. Captain lives in the same county as another club member and helps bring awareness to other kids.
After being a Jr. Captain, members can move up to become a Zip Code Captain. At each level, they learn new things and grow in spiritual principles. Helen Joy said, “As each generation looks to the generation below them, they will learn to teach them what they have learned and are practicing. God is helping us to build a strong team of prayer support within the walls of Pennsylvania and in the house of Aglow. Currently, we have 8 Zip Code Captains in place, 3 Zip Code Jr. Captains in training, and 16 Zip Code members. With 67 counties, we have the goal of having at least one in each county.”
Part Four coming soon!