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Woman out of wheelchair“There's nothing as impacting as being a part of an Aglow Neighborhood Lighthouse. This morning, I made a quick run to the grocery store in my neighborhood, and a woman with a radiant countenance stopped me and said, ‘Hey, I'm better!’ I replied, ‘Praise the Lord!’ hoping to remember who she was,” writes Cynthia Patton, Jasper AL Aglow Neighborhood Lighthouse President.

“The woman said, ‘Remember, you prayed for me right here in the store last year when I was in a wheelchair and so low emotionally.’ I answered that I remembered doing that, but she was so radiant, not at all the wheelchair bound woman I'd prayed for a year ago. She said, ‘The Lord really raised me up out of that chair as a result of your prayers!’"

“We both praised the Lord with thanksgiving for her healing. She hugged me and then went off at a fast pace in the store Carrying His Presence so beautifully!”