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Establishing His Majesty, Supremacy and Sovereignty over the Nations

The Aglow Hong Kong National President recently felt lead to call on intercessors to rise and go to the highest mountain to pray for their nation. There were 12 who responded and together they went to pray and make declarations over Hong Kong. These intercessors were surprised at what took place while they were on the mountain. Here is the story:

A few weeks ago, I called for intercessors to go up to the highest mountain in Hong Kong to make declarations and proclamations. 12 women responded and the Holy Spirit led us to worship and exalt God as Lord of all. As the number 12 signifies “God’s governmental authority”, we proclaimed that over Hong Kong! We established His Majesty, Supremacy and Sovereignty over the land.

Due to the past months of unrest and much division in the city, we prayed against the “wavering of two opinions” that was challenged by Elijah (1Kings 18) and that Hong Kong people will make the decision to believe that Jesus is the most High God. We were also zealous to speak His name over the Coronavirus pandemic!

As we began to pray, we noticed another group coming up below us. It was a group of Buddhists and a Tibetan monk setting up prayer flags and banners. It was a true moment of Elijah facing the prophets of Baal! However, we were not intimidated and kept focusing on the Lord singing “We raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies”!

The next day, there was a report in the papers about Tibetan Buddhists in Hong Kong praying up on the mountain for the first time! God knew and wanted His warriors up there first!

This truly is a modern day story of Elijah facing the prophets of Baal! Just as the Hong Kong intercessors stood on the mountain making Kingdom declarations, you too have been given God's governmental authority to do the same over your land and your nation. Aglow we have been called to take back our nations for His Kingdom!