Aglow - Our Divine Advantage
What a profound year 2022 is unfolding to be! After being in various stages of lockdown the past two years, it is good to be FREE from the restrictions! I think of 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Locked down or not, we can be free because real freedom comes from the Lord.
The Holy Spirit, Our Divine Advantage
I am often asked, “Jane, what are you sensing?” I am sensing that in all things, we must remain in a place of total peace while God leads us in every detail. “Well, Jane, how do we do that?” We do it the same way we have done for the last 55 years; we follow the lead of Holy Spirit. When we are not sure where things are headed or how to prepare, we have a Divine Advantage in Holy Spirit. He knows it all!
At times like this, I often think of Abraham who was told by God to go to a place he did not know. Can’t you hear Sarah? “Should I pack summer or winter clothes? How long will we be gone? Will we need a picnic lunch? Are we taking the animals or do I have to walk?” I can imagine the peace it brought as Abraham answered back, “Just pack Sarah. God will supply.”
I find myself wanting to speak those same words of comfort to Aglow around the world. We are promised turbulence, wars, famines, earthquakes, nations rising against nations – Jesus said that He has overcome it all! Keep following Holy Spirit. The Lord will supply. And we will continually overcome the accuser by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Rev. 12:11
All Creation Groans
Recently I had the opportunity to ponder the fullness of the truths in Romans 8:19 – all creation groans in anticipation of the manifestation of the sons of God. Aglow has been prepared for such a time as this. God has poured His foundational truths into us. He has revealed Himself to us in ways that we are confident in who He will be for us in every situation we face. His promises live in our hearts and cause expectation to rise daily. The prophetic words spoken over us have become as real in our hearts as they are in His. Our trust, our hope, and our confidence are placed fully upon Jesus in all things. He has never failed us and He will not start now!
We Know Some Things
During the past 55 years, Aglow has spiritually matured. We have learned some things about God and those things have become His hand in our back that propel us forward in faith throughout the world. We do not shrink back, rather, like David, we run to the battle lines in communities, towns, and villages in 170+ nations. Aglow men and women know how to pull down all the Grace needed to see atmospheres shift as His Kingdom comes.
WE KNOW that even though the world lies under the sway of the wicked one, we have been born of God for such a time as this. God has elevated us to see the big picture and we come with a message of hope, strength, encouragement, and all is founded upon Biblical principles that stand the tests of time. Those truths are our anchor points in an ever-changing world. His truths are unchanging!
WE KNOW that God has positioned and favored us to release Kingdom truths into the world today. We truly are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus to bring forth the good works prepared for this time. We are carriers of His Presence and our united front around the world places us as His Light bearers in a world of uncertainty.
I want to encourage you today to be bold when He asks you to speak truth. Be courageous to stand even if you are the only one, for He is standing with you. Be expectant that He will do all He has promised. New leaders are coming! New groups are being birthed! Signs, wonders, and miracles will amaze us. Hold steady and see His Goodness in the land of the living!
Closing Prayer
Lord, we know who You are! We know how You love us, how You cover us, how Your Goodness goes before us and comes behind us. Thank You for opening our eyes to fully see how Heaven sees us, how Heaven has prepared us to be the help You have sent for our generation. We are humbled and strengthened. We are honored and in awe of You. We love the ways You have led us in the past and look forward with great expectation to how You will lead us on into the future. What a Mighty God we serve! We love You.
In Faith,

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International

P.S. WE KNOW that God has promised that finances will be our weapon and not a chain to hold us in small places. A generous donor has offered to match up to $25,000 in donations. I would love for you to participate in this Matching Gift Opportunity.